Chapter 6 - FIREFLIES

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Chapter 6 - FireFlies

Khushi's POV

I focussed on the road as we drove back.

And I listened to the music, that was flowing through Arnav's playlist, and I thought of adding some of these songs to my playlist too, they were actually quite nice.

But I had needed the music not only for my ears; but also because it was now serving as the perfect distraction for the nervousness in my stomach.

I was crazy, maybe.

But I swear to God,I felt something flutter in my stomach, as Arnav had pulled me in for a close hug.

Ok, so my best friend is a guy.

And a lot of my friends are also guys.

And I hug Rahul almost everyday and I know what that feels like, it's a friendly hug , more like driven by a emotion for ones sibling - because we have been there in each others lives forever,and been there for each other as best friends for so so long,that there is absolutely no qualms about it and I often give a side hug to all the rest of my guy buddies too, and that is why when he had asked me for a hug, I had thought that , that was what it was going to feel like, a hug from a friend to a friend, but when he had instantly pulled me in for a close hug from the side hug I had given, I was taken aback, and not just by the thought that he had wanted to hug me close, but by the flutter that had erupted in my stomach, and that is probably why I had stood frozen in his arms for a couple of minutes, because I was unable to comprehend and move.

I had to thank mom and dad for their genetic contribution to my looks, but even though I know I had a tiny and delicate built, with a decent face, I had been more like a clueless tomboy all my life,because id always felt that way within maybe. Infact until a couple of years ago it was Rahul who would always come and tell me that ; Khushi this guy was being more than just a buddy right now, he was flirting with you. Or Khushi this guy is interested in you. Or Khushi this guy likes you more than a friend and wants to date you.(this was in Armaan' s case)

And even though I still was quite clueless and dumb when it came to all of this, but my short two month dating adventure with Armaan was enough to give me a little insight into what differentiated the touch of a friend, from a touch of a man, who probably looked at you more than just a friend.

And I had, experienced a feeling, very much similar to that latter one as Arnav held me close into his frame and his hands wrapped tightly around my waist, and then ofcourse that stupid flutter in my stomach.

But thank god for the return of neuronic function in my neurons, that my brains restarted itself and I told myself that I was going crazy, probably reading too much into the gesture and the invisible feel that it had to it ; and I reminded myself that I wasn't just standing in anyone's arms, and I had instantly pulled away then and diverted the topic.

I steal a glance at him as he continues to gaze out the window and I study him a little in my head.

We connect.

We definetly do.

I feel good around him and I enjoy his company, and he enjoys mine too ; he made that clear a couple of times and maybe this was what it was, the ease we felt in each others company or the fact that I could be a funny dramatic idiot when I wanted to be and my amusing antics that even I found weird sometimes actually ended cracking him up.

Yes, that was what it was.

We belonged and lived in two different worlds, and our lives had only converged into this common point for a shortwhile of these five days, and then he'd leave and go back into his world, and I would still be here in Cape Town and return into my usual late evening routine too.

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