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Hello everyone..

Back with another back to back update!

Will let you all dive in without further delay!

We move forward by two months now..Please keep this timeline in your mind as we move along the Story.




(MAY 18th – Same Year – Its been Three months and two days to when Arnav and Khushi first met in mid -Feb in Cape Town)

Thursday - 3.00PM

Khushi's POV

I step out of my examination hall and I feel so so so good, because my paper went very well.

And I quickly run up to the bus stop and just in time as the bus arrives and I get on quickly and make my way to a window seat.


I have been pursuing my Charted accountancy side by side ever since I turned 18.I had enrolled in a Accounting and Management degree that was at a SAICA accredited university, and then I had worked and studied overtime in the first two years off my graduation degree so that I could be done in good time with my CA degree too, and then even though I had paused my third year degree for a year after my family's passing, I had still continued to work at my management and accountancy firm in a internship as my training, which was a prequisite for me to write these two final round of papers.

I had just finished the fourth paper in this group and I had the final group exam in November.I mean exams happened in November and May.I could opt to give them at my convenience, but I wasn't going to linger this on until next May.

I was going to finish writing the QE2 exams in the financial management route, I wanted to pursue before my 23rd Bday in November.

That was the plan.

So from next month onwards it was going to be full on studying as I was going to join in college too, and then ofcourse I would continue with my shift at Chai and Coffee and then ubers at nights and my Big Bus Tours on Saturdays and private taxi's on Sundays.(Both the jobs that I was really enjoying)

Lots and Lots of work in store for me again in the coming months along with tons of studying.

Actually it had been this way for the last two months too.

And on that note, I feel such a sense of achievement as I look back on the last two months.

Continuing to intern and work with my management accounting firm – Café shifts in the afternoons until late evening- café accounts- uber shifts- Big bus on Saturday-private taxi tours on Sundays- and then three to five hours to gruelling study everyday too.


It had been crazy.

And I kind of cant believe I had managed to get through all of that and I was super happy with the way I had just performed in my exams too.

And amongst all this craziness – I have one very important person to thank for his never ending support.

He's just always been there for me.


Ever since he dropped into my Life – Three months and two days ago!

Hoodie Guy.

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