READERS OPINION - A Note - 6/5/2020

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Hellooo Guyssss

So I am here with a Note for a Quick Readers Opinion.

So I am working on the Update guys...I am 7k words in already.

Now here is where I want all of your opinion as always when I am in a fix of a Split of a Eventful day or Days.

So ofcourse theres this whole After Affect Moments first after the Storm -. which will eventually be followed by the way Arnav and Khushi and the families decide to wade their way through the storm eventually.

So I am in two Minds - I do think of Making this A Split so that I am able to give a After Affect update today  as a Stand Alone focusing on just the emotional turmoil being faced by Arnav and even Khushi for that matter for they are only Human.

So what say guys? Are you all ok with a stand Alone emotional update today focusing on just the immediate after affect?

I still have to write about 5k more words to be able to complete those scenes in my Head.

And hopefully I should be able to have it up by tonight!

Let me know guys - or if you want to wait for a full on lengthy combined Update of the next day after too - I would need more time becauase it's a rollercoaster of emotions for me too while penning it down!

So let Me know guys!

Thanks guys

Much love


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