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Hello everyoneeee...

I am back with the Updateee!!

Sorry for the little delay because of that slight injury to my right wrist and hand...I am feeling all good now.

And I hope the length Makes up for the Delay.

Its 19k Words guys.

Please ignore editing errors as I have no proofread.

And now I shall let you all Dive in without Further Delay.



Next Day – At the Hospital Suite - 730AM

Khushi's PoV

GoodMorning Guyssss!

Angry much??

As in...are you all Annoyed with Meee?? – You know for scaring you all...and everyone and most Importantly for putting My HOODIE Guyyyy through all that I did yesterday...emotionally?

I know...I know...It Injured Him badly to see Me like that – all day yesterday!

I apologized to him last night..but guys totally feels like I owe you all an apology too! For you know usually I do act and take decisions Maturely and Sensibly – but well in that Moment of Sheer Panic – I just couldn't!!!!

Soorry yaaa Guysss!

For in that One Moment...I know I totally behaved like the CRAZY goof (that you all already have a disclaimer about that- that's who I am..)... like ever since the very beginning...but I know...My Panicking that Way kind off Put Arnav too in a lot of danger...I Mean that's why I ran out off the Auto guys..because I knew he would come out to get me..and I could see how the situation was heating Up Around me near the back enterance..and in that Moment all I cared about was the Fact...that My Hoodie Guy cannot sustain any kind of injury even...he cannot get Hurt because of mee...and hence I made that run into the BCCI...because I'd rather risk myself than to ever have a tiny mint harm ever come my Hoodie Guys way.

It's like I cannot explain...all My Light Switches Kind off Switched Off just the thought of any potential harm to my Hoodie Guy...I'm only Human ya guys...and a crazy vulnerable one to owhen it comes to all know that ...hence....I committed an error in sheer panic.


I so so glad that he isn't hurt physically...I know he's been through a lot emotionally yesterday...and I am obviously going to make sure he Is Ok on that front all know that Dont You? I am going to Turn on the Light with Our Love and make sure that My Hoodie Guy will come out of this storm that he has faced on the professional front...and for that I am going to have to talk to him and hear him out..hear his Heart know like I always do...and then I am going to Support him and Help Him wade His WAY through it...and I will get around to this First thing the minute I step Out.

Ohh wait.

You all Must Be Wondering.

Where Am I?


I am In the Hospital Suites Washroom ya guys...the Nurse on Duty was Helping me Sponge and I requested her if I could just sit on the Stool and Have a little warm bath and so right now that's what iv been doing...because I definitely needed the Purity and Power of the Waters to Just wash away all the Overwhelming Pain from yesterday...both emotional and Physical.

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