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Hello everyone

Back here with a superlong 9k word update!!

Let me know what you all think

I shall let you all in without further delay.

Pls ignore editing errors haven't proofread.

Thank you for all your time and support to my work!

Much love Guys


Chapter 14 – 'HAPPY HIGH'

Khushi's POV –

Next Day Morning at 645am –

Cape Town

My eyes flutter open, and I feel a little heavy in my head.

It wasn't like a hangover, because I wasn't very drunk last night.

But yeah something like a – Mini Hangover.


I rub my temples with both my hands still lying down in bed.

I shouldn't have probably had that extra margarita in the end.

I had, had a beer , then two single maritini's and I was like tipsy.But I think it was that mix from that Margarita towards the end of the party that took me from tipsy to slightly drunk.

I close my eyes as I remember the reason why I had all those drinks anyway.

After seeing Hoodie Guy on TV in the way I had, there was something in between all that theme park operation in my stomach that was making me very very jittery and nervous.

And I had tried to instruct my head to work a little bit and put a restrain on those flutters in my stomach, but my emotions had revolted,because they didn't want too put a restrain on their flow because of what they had been feeling and amongst all this conflict in between my stupid mind and heart, id felt this nervousness that was shaking me.

I had never felt this way ever before.

I was going on about my Life, and one fine day, Hoodie Guy decides to drop into it out of the blue.

In the -BOOM BASH BOOM- moments of my Life, our paths end up crossing and now we are both into this "thing"in between of us since the last one month – the 'thing' that is now starting to result into this crazy theme park Adventureland in the pit of my stomach.

And then – that scene off him from TV – had just pushed me over into another scary ride.

And I don't know which was more stupid in the moment, my mind or my heart – but I did end up resorting to use alcohol as a tool to soothe my nervousness.

I finally open my eyes, rubbing my temples and my eyes fall on my phone that was lying in my bed, messed up in my covers.


I groaned.

Stupid.Stupid.Goofy Khushi.

I cant believe I dozed off while talking to him on the video call.

I did remember most of my conversations with Hoodie Guy last night,because I wasn't very high that it didn't register in my head in the first place.

And thanks to the hit from the alcohol -id actually goofed up by asking him those stupid questions on the text.

Especially about that statement to the reporter about Cape Town's experience.

I still cant believe I texted him outright and asked him that he was talking about cricket?

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