A Happy MileStone - Featured In WattpadIndia's - Featured Stories on 30/09/2020

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Helllooooo Everyoneeeee

Okkk Super Duper Happy as I am writing this little Note to Share the - Happy Milestone,that I feel extremely grateful for, from the deep corners of My Heart,Indeed.❤❤

Wattpad India's official Handle has just added Hit Wicket My Heart to its Reading list of Featured Stories🙏🙏🙏❤❤🤗🤗😇😇😇

Wattpad India's official Handle has just added Hit Wicket My Heart to its Reading list of Featured Stories🙏🙏🙏❤❤🤗🤗😇😇😇

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I mean guyssss

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I mean guyssss....how can I ever find the right words to thank you all my precious readers yaaa...like I dont think Words will be enough - ever to express the gratitude in my heart !!!!!😇😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏Like I can just never thank any of you my readers- ever enough - for all the love and support that you've showered on Hit Wicket always.

P.P.S - I am also so so happy to share this that, Wattpad India have added all the Books they had previously featured in their Reads of the week +WE Recommed You Review book ( including all the books that were mentioned in the week alongside Hit Wicket - for to be honest to you all, I am like Super Happy and releived about this because somewhere in the back off my head - I did have this thought that maybe just because of my to and fro in inline comments with those couple of bashers of my work, led to that entire chained cause and affect of the initiative being put on hold, and all the fellow authors who had been featured and listed alongside me,( specially in that week) had to indirectly face the consequence that followed...eventually. So Its like I am beyond just relieved and Super Happy today to see that all the Books by Various Authors that had been listed in the We Recommed You Review book in that week, have been added to the Reading List of Featured Stories,by WattpadIndia's official Handle,along with Hit Wicket - so it's like even though that Initiative had been on Hold..the Stories have been listed in Wattpad Indias profile, in some way or the other -nonetheless)🤗🤗🤗🤗😇😇😇😇❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏

(Incase you dont know what I am referring too in the above paragraph,please do read my Authors Note written on 28/08/2020)

Today, i am not Just Happy for Hit Wicket....so very very Happy for all the fellow authors as well.I have always been an ardent supporter of every fellow writer, at every stage of their writing journeys always, and I obviously do not beleive in getting involved in ever Bashing/ being condescending towards any ones hard work ever ( or covering up that intent to just Bash under the pretext of constructive criticism, because the intent obviously is understandable with the choice of words and tones used in context of vibe one portrays always) for I obviously understand that even though words and plots or stories may not seem Picture Perfect to others eyes , Writing is totally like to each their own and everyone puts their heart and soul into it nonetheless, as they explore writing with their own specifics Intents on Wattpad. ( which is giving everyone a chance to explore their way through words and learn from it all at their own comfortable paces too in the journey of it all..)And I just beleive in making an constant effort to just respect that always🙏🙏

My experience on this entire matter has helped me embrace the fact that, There are obviously going to be times..that Some people may not like what I do, and that is totally okayyy🤗🤗( i am all for the freedom of choice on this amazing platform and everyone has the freedom of choice of likes and dislikes over what they want to read ), and similarly I have that freedom to continue exploring writing in the ways I wish to continue doing and if someone wants to dislike it and bash my work nonetheless then it's totally their choice to do so...just like it's my choice to beleive in just agreeing to disagree with grace in such a situation and coexisting in the same community peacefully- nonetheless by continuing to focus on What I do- because that's what is in my Control, and I do what I do because I love to do it..❤❤ ( Iv learnt that I do not owe any kind of further explanations to any Basher/Haters of my work/or me in anyway whatsoever, because I am not on the job out here to make them understand why I write what I write...I know what my methods and ways of Writing mean to me in my Heart and that's what matters at the end of the day for me. I gotta stay true to myself and my reasons for doing what I do- nonetheless....🙏🙏🙏)

The Journey off Hit Wicket 1.0 and Hoodie Guy and Sunshine has been like so so superclose to my heart and penning it out for all the Months and completing the Tale that I had set out to Tell in the end of last year, has truly been a very happy and a peaceful/enriching experience/process for me...for its brought me immense Joy to be able to bring the story alive to you all through - my Words. 💃💃💃💃💃💃❣❣❣❣

Once again....Deepest Gratitude to Each of You - from the deepest corners of the Pacific Ocean of My Heart, for all the love and support to my work🙏🙏🙏👩‍💻👩‍💻

Thanks guys for all the Love and Support.

Much Love

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