100K VIEWS🤗🤗🤗 - A Note of Gratitude to All My Readers

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Helllooooooo Everyoneeeee

Helllooooooo Everyoneeeee

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Hit Wicket My Heart - has touched 100K Views on Wattpad - Alone today....and I feel so so so so HAPPY in My Heart right nowwww that I have absolutely no words to explain what I am feeling!!

Ironic haha...since you all Know ...I write like So so so Muchhh😀😀😀😀😀😀

And as Most of you All Know - that I also post on the India Forums Platform where also the Total Views of Hit WICKET are like 50K plus...and Just to Know it in MY Heart to get a Viewership and Readers for a total Of 150K plus on the whole to Hit Wicket...its like really really Made me soooo very Happyyyy!

To say that I am Beyond Delighted Would be AN Understatement!!

And I want to take this Moment to Express MY Deep Gratitude to each and every one of you...my Readers...for HIT WICKET would not be the same without you all..and your constant Love and Support to My work...I have literally No words to thank each one of You for Investing your Precious Time into the Fictional Tales of My Head🤗🤗🤗🤗

Thank you to each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart...to my every reader of Hit Wicket...Silent, active,interactive...everyone who leaves me feedback..every update without Fail...everyone who prefers to support Silently...to each and everyone of you...I would like to express my deepest gratitude and express MY acknowledgement of the Fact - that each of you My Readers are Like MY backbone as A Writer!

For No Journey of My Fictional Tale would be Compelte without each and every One of You.

And then Ofcourse - Hit WICKET is like so so so Precious and close to My Heart...and the fact that each and every one of you shower me with so much Support always..only makes my emotions today Sweeter..as we reach the 100K Mark on Wattpad!

I am totally binging on Two Extra Chocolates today in like a way of Quarantine Celebration...haha😇😇😇

It's because of each one of You that Hit Wicket has Received So Much Love from all Over the World...since as a Writer I get to View the Anlaysis ...I would like to share the Demographics Of Hit Wicket with All of You Today...Since I literally say this With Happy Tears in my eyes...that Hit Wicket has Received so so much Love from all of you my readers from around 41 plus Countries over Time...that I have no clue how to thank you guys yaa😇😇😇

Countries Demographics...I want to thank all my Readers from  -
USA,Canada,Argentina,France,Ghana,Nigeria,Botswana,South Africa,Mozambique,Algeria,Egypt,Uganda,Jordan,Syria, Ethopia,Kenya,Saudi Arabia,UAE,Oman,Poland,Germany,France,Belgium,Netherlands,UK,Russia,Norway, Italy,Kuwait,Singapore India,Pakistan,SriLanka,Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia,Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, NewZealand, Japan and Fiji Islands.

I want to thank all my Readers from  -USA,Canada,Argentina,France,Ghana,Nigeria,Botswana,South Africa,Mozambique,Algeria,Egypt,Uganda,Jordan,Syria, Ethopia,Kenya,Saudi Arabia,UAE,Oman,Poland,Germany,France,Belgium,Netherlands,UK,Russia,Norway, Ita...

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