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Hellooo guyssss

Here I am with an Updateeee.....!!

Its like decently Long not like crazy long...haha!!

14 k Words guys and it totally needed to stand out as a Update on its Own Guys!

Please ignore editing erros as I have not proofread!

Stay in and Stay safe Guys !!

And now I shall let you all dive in without further Delay!



5 Days Later

(4th December – One Day Before Khushi and Arnav's Departure to India)

Khushi's POV

EARLY morning 5:30 AM

Okkk guyssss!

A very very early good morning to you all from – My Side of the Globe!

Tomorrow...I am scheduled to Fly Half Across the Land into a New Phase of My Life with Arnav in India.


Do You guys know what do I feel like within right now?

Like in my Emotions and in My heart?

I totally feel like - A Sweet and Salty Mix of A Fresh Lemonade Drink!



Sooo before I get to elaborate on that thought – I want to Give you all A Glimpse of all that has happened since we returned from the Magnificent Titanic of the Yatches – The Galactica Star.

Sooo the minute we got back at the Harbour – Arnav first dropped me at Hit Wicket and My Studio and he had to rush to the photoshoot and the rest of the formal stuffs scheduled with the Team and the World Cup and then I had obviously been busy at hit wicket until then and then I made a Stop at the Hotel at around 230ish to meet everyone from the Team, and Sachi Maam and little Zoya and Coach Sir to meet up with them before they all left for India for they were scheduled to leave by like 3pm to the airport and Sachi maam was ever so gracious as she said that we must catch up as soon as I was in India....for we were technically going to be as good as neighbours now for their Home was in the Same Area as Arnav's in Chattarpur,New Delhi.( like just ten minutes away).And I obviously promised her that we would catch up surely once I was there...and then I even had a very nice ten minute chat with Cap as he apologized to me once again and I assured to him that there was nothing to worry about and that he did not have to carry the baggage of any kind off guilt on his shoulders at all because everything had worked out perfectly for Arnav and Me...anyway! And then ofcourse Ravi had been so MISCHEVIOUS right before getting in the car to the airport.. in stating that by the time I would land in India with Arnav..he would pick us up the airport with signed adoption papers from his parents for he really was serious about having the right to call me his little sister legally...haha...and I assured him that he didn't need the legal formality for the same for in I already felt in my heart that he would always watch out for me like a older brother....and that is why as his little sister..I advised him to hurry and get in the Car to the Airport so that he could be on the plane that was going to take him to Anjali.( oh on that Note...Ravi's family actually lived in Pune...where he visited quite often...but hes been living by himself in a penthouse in Gurgaon for about five years now)

Soo after the See Off of the Men in Blue Happened...Arnav accompanied me to my session with Dr Priya who was beyond delighted to meet him...well because she was such a huge cricket fan tooo...and had her own fan moment with her favourite ASR...and then id asked her if Arnav could be with me in the session which had surprised Arnav and he was all like Sunshine..I'd love to be with you...but are you sure?? Will you be comfortable?? And I was like yes..Arnav...its You...I am literally as comfortable with you as I am in my own Skin! And so he held onto my hand and sat by me Rock Solid as always as i narrated everything i had experienced emotionally within... to Dr Priya...and by the end of the session...Dr Priya sprang up from her seat and hugged me tight stating that she really was proud of me and that I really had conquered a great Milestone Within and I was honest in telling her that I couldn't have done it without her guidance, Arnavs Love,my Familys blessing from the heavens above and all of my Near and Dear one subtle rock solid support to me always!

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