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Hello everyoneee...


I am back with the third back to back update in a row!

It isn't very long because it had to totally stand out on its own.

Let me know what you all think!

I will let you all dive in now..without further delay.

Chapter 9 – Jetting Away Home

830 AM

Arnav's POV

I walk into the plane behind Cap and Coach and the rest of the boys are behind me as we greet the crew and then settle into our business class seats. We were flying Emirates and it was going to be a long travel time of almost 16 hours which included a short 2 hours 30 minutes layover in Dubai.

I see most of the boys simply crash into their seats, all exhausted from all the partying.

I don't think any of us got any sleep at all.

The exhaustion was now catching up with us all.

The boys had continued partying and I had obviously had to take that time to see Khushi,and I had reached the hotel just in time to rush up to the room , freshen up a little, it was good that I had packed up well in advance.And then I caught up with the boys in the lobby at 5am,and we had reached the airport on time for the formalities etc and then had chilled and relaxed in the lounge, had a super early breakfast and then got on the plane, everyone was prepared to sleep through this leg of the journey since the duration was 9 hrs 35 minutes.

So because we travel a lot, and have to adjust to different time zones, our medical experts advice us to kind of schedule our sleep cycle based on the time that would be in the country we were landing into as our final destination, eventually. So for example, we all were mostly going to rest it out through the first leg and then be awake throughout from Dubai until New Delhi because we would only land at 2am in the morning according to IST which meant that we go straight home and get to bed, so that theres no jet lag the next day.

I relax in my seat and settle all my things and I take out my wallet from my back pocket and I was just about to put it in my backpack as well, when I paused and I opened it to recheck my coin pocket within, and I smile to myself as I see Krish's toss coin and the mini hanuman chalisa – khushi had given me just hours before, safely tucked in between the fabric walls of my wallet.

On reflex - I touch them tenderly.

I was going to keep them both with me as a precious treasure.

I don't think Khushi can even comprehend what these pure and priceless gestures from her end meant to me.

I close my eyes for a second as I remember her words as she'd gently placed the mini hanuman chalisa in my palm – "id like you to keep this with you, you travel so much...iv given one to uncle , aunty, and rahul too to keep with them for their travels..because they are all the family I have left anyway..iv kind of become a little paranoid about air travel after the crash that killed my family..",

And I as I revisit the moment in my head , I feel moved again as I re-read the emotion on her face as she'd paused and gulped down a emotion and then continued with a soft smile – "but you travel so so much all the time..its like half your time is on a jet plane..keep this with you please...I just feel like this will keep you safe..."

I am still speechless about what I feel within as I revisit that moment in my head.

I quickly close my wallet and place it safely in my backpack and then get up to stow it above in the overhead cabin and all this while, I cant get Khushi's face outta my mind.Or the emotion I'd felt when shed held onto my hand silently and walked me to the car and opened the door for me, or how her gaze had silently locked with mine before the cab driver drove away or the fact that – leaving was hurting so damm much.

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