Important Note

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Hellloo everyone

Okkk so I am writing this to tell you all that as I am about finish working on the Next Update its like ALREADY SUPER DUPER LONG AS IN 20K WORDS AND I STILL HAVE TO WRITE SOME MORE SO THAT IN MY HEART I FEEL I HAVE DONE JUSTICE TO THE SCENES IN MY HEAD WITH MY WORDS!


However I am conflicted a little because the update is so long and maybe I should split it into Two Parts because of the length but in the meanwhile in my Heart I do not want to Split it too - Because it will affect the Flow of Scenes!

So now in the meanwhile as I finish working on the update, if you all tell me what do you prefer - two split parts posted back to back as in today and tomorrow or you would all prefer the SuperLong Crazy Update of 22k words the Longest I would have ever written and read it all at once until that Spot I want to halt the update with in my heart!

So my Heart tells me to let the Flow Be as In if its Insanely Long let it be as in because I feel my words have dont justice to the thoughts in my Head!

But I would still want to know what you all think?
A full on crazy long update today? Like 22k words or I split the update into two parts and post one part today and one tomorrow?

Thanks guys
Much Love

HIT WICKET MY HEART **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now