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Helllooo eveyoneeeee


I am back with The very last bit of HWMH - Epilogue 3.0

– Its 8K words almost!!!!

And I am super duper Overwhelmed as I am posting this ofcourseee!!

** happy dancing**

**happy tears toooo***

Can never literally thank you guys enough for all the Love and Support to Hit Wicket!!!!!!!!

Also this is the first draft..Please pleaseeeee.... ignore editing /grammatical/ repetition of common words - errors as I have not Proofread.

And I shall now let you all dive in without Further Delay!!




22nd December, 2030

@ The Firoz Shah Kotla, New Delhi

Khushi's POV

Helloooo to You Guyssss.

Ok remember how I said – Long Time no see the last time I met you all after a while??


So I think, that today I should say something like – Long Long Long Long Long Long Time No See!!!!


Because, yes it totally feels like Just that, Indeed.

Please know that both Hoodie Guy and Me really Missed you all.

Ok.So – I hope you all payed a little Attention to the date on top. Its 22nd December, 2030. And well first thing out I do want to state(one more time) that Yours Truly, Goofy and Crazy Khushi, is still as Goofier and Crazier as she used to be.Haha. Guys I am telling you all seriously, there surely was something up in my MRI in the way my brains had been wired that all these doctors couldn't catch onto – Ever!! Haha!!

Like every time , I wake up in the morning these days, I tell myself – Khushi you are now running into the 34th year of your Life and are a mommy to Four Kids.( Its about time that you make a conscious effort to reduce that Goofiness in your head...)


But Guys, apparently even though I give myself these little reminders everyday – it's like there's no point, because I think I am just destined to get more goofier by the Age. Haha.

And yes guys, you all read that right. I am a Mommy to Four Kids Now. Hoodie Guy and Me, were blessed with another pair of twins (one boy + one girl again), on the 22nd March, 2027( about three years two months after Aarna and Krish were born). And we named them Shivaay and Arha.

Ok Yes. I think since we are on that Note – it's only fair enough that I give you all a brief glimpse into the extended family details versions of our Friends and Family, first.

So, starting at home, we are now a family of Nine. Dadi, Mom, Dad, Hoodie Guy, Me, Aarna, Krish, Shivaay and Arha. Next Update on Ravi and Anjali, they are now parents to two adorable boys whom they have named Rehaan(4yrs) and Atharv(2 yrs).

And well now for an Update on everyone back in Cape Town and our close friends – Uncle, aunty,Rahul and Diya had another addition into their family as well when Baby Ayana came along a little over 2 years ago as well. (the last time we met, It was just Baby Advait). Zara and Zain are parents to two adorable baby girls(last we met, baby Zanyah was already born) – baby Kudrat came along a year ago as well. Our dearest Asher and Manizeh are parents to two boys as well now whom they gave named Fawad and Kabir. Fawad is a little over five years old now and Kabir is just a year younger to him(4 yrs old). Cap and Sachi maam also had another little girl whom they have named Ira, she is 5 years old as well now.

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