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Helloooo guyssssss....

Happy MidWEEK Wednesday!!

I am here with another LONG Back to Back Update!

Like 11k Words!

Like im literally loving being on a writing spree for this FF.

Thank you so much to all of you for all the Love to – HIT WICKET

Ok I shall let you all dive in without further delay



Arnav's POV

Next Day – 9:00 AM

My eyes flutter open, on reflex as slight rays of the sun fall in through the curtain drapes of the window right next to the bed of this cozy Caravan, and I shift a little forward and shift the drapes back into its place so that the rays of the sun don't fall on Khushi, as she's still sound asleep in my arms.

And I propel my elbow sideways and push myself up and some reflection of the rays still fall on her eyes, and I can almost see an adorable line of discomfort come up her forehead and so I keep my hand right on top of the rays so as to shelter the rays and that line of discomfort is now gone and she snuggles into me on reflex and I smile to myself – as I just gaze at her in silence for a while.

I had spent hours kissing her mindlessly before we finally dozed off in each other hours.

Sleep is important to me ofcourse – it charges me up, but to be honest I have never experienced a more peaceful slumber than I did last night, with Khushi wrapped up close into my arms.

This was beyond Just Beautiful.

And let me not even get started on all those gobsmacking emotions I felt as she gifted me those two – super precious- five-rand- notes last night, as s gesture from her end to thank me for everything.

She had left me Beyond Speechless and Stunned.

Everything about this girl in my arms was starkingly Pure and Innocent and Loving that it touched those deep strings within my Heart to a Different Level – Altogether.

Just when I think I couldn't fall more in Love with her.

She makes me feel like This World is indeed a beautiful place and because of her, my faiths kind of re-instated in the fact that its because of this purity, innocence, and selfless Love that can exist in people's hearts – that maybe there's still Hope for This World, afterall.

Although I am very Sure – that there was literally No One Like Khushi – in this whole wide world.

And I thank God again, for blessing me with her In My Life.

And truly as I look at her in my arms right now, looking so adorable in her sleep – a sight that id been aching to see in real time for months now – My Heart is Literally Glowing with all this Happiness.

And right then, I see her eyes flutter open and she gives me a sleepy smile as she catches my hand still sheltering her from the rays of the sunlight and I say on reflex – " goodmorning Sunshine.."

She takes my hand into hers immediately and kisses it and she snuggles into my arms and I hug her immediately as she says with a yawn – " you do realise you were just guarding your sunshine..against sunshine.."

That made me chuckle.

Only she can think of the most amusing stuff to say to me even in her sleep.

HIT WICKET MY HEART **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now