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Helloo guyssss

Okkk so just a little Update from My end before the Update...I know you all might be wondering why the Speed in MY updates has reduced off late and I am now taking a couple of days gaps in between before Guysss that's because as you all Know..the Lockdown in India is still going on and even though things are being eased out in process...but its Rest Assured that the Schools will be the last ones to Open..Physically!

So yes out of my Three little ones...for two of them..the online summer camps ,kindergarten and Schools have been begun..and most of my mornings until Afternoon are like busy attending Kindergarten and Grade 1 classes myself haha...because I obviously have to be with them in assistance full time since the shift to Online Learning is kind of not easy for the little ones to adapt so easily! It's a transition which is going to take time for the younger lot specially!

And then with all of that and my work from home going on otherwise as well in terms of my office/business etc...schedule is getting really jammed packed and..I obviously am squeezing out as much timeeee in between for my writing as well you all knoww it's my Passion...and i love it so so so very muchhh ...however in between all this Juggling...there has been a little reduce in the Speed of the Updates Guysss – because as you all know I will post an update only when I feel it in my herat that I have done justice to the plot in my head with my words – because I would never want to compromise on the essence of emotion in the update in a Rushhh!

But Nonetheless rest assured that I will be doing My BESTEST to Dish out as many frequent updates as I can.. as always...since writing is so very close to my Heart...and I am really passionate about itttt!!

And I want to also Thank you for all the Patienceeee Guyss and your time and Love and Support to my work as always!

And yesss on that note...Here I am with the Update of Hit WICKET!!!

Its 17k words hope the length makes up for the Delay!

Thanks guys for the Patiencee!

Please ignore editing errors as I have not proofread...and Now I shall let you all Dive in without further Delayyyy!!!



Four Days Later

The Early Morning of 25th December


Khushi's POV

I make my way back from my washroom..smiling to myself even though I am like in a semi sleepy droopy stage...but I still cant stop smiling...well I am sure you all have totally branded me like A MADDER HATTER IN LOVE BY NOW...but to be Honest Guys...I am telling you it is Is Indeed Trueeee – I not only sleep with a Smile on My Face ...its like even in Moments Like these when I wake up in the Middle of the Night or early morning to Just freshen up...I still have this crazy goofy smile on my Face!


Guys...My Dearest Sleep is so so so used to it by now though.. as in it totally Understands that its Skipped to the Second Spot of being my Charging Point.

First being- MY Hoodie Guy ofcourse!


Okkk wait.

Just you wait everyone!

Did you all see the Date?

It's like the EARLY morning of the 25th of December!

Meerryyyyy Merryyy Xmassss Everyone!!!

Like just see....Five More Days to Our Wedding!

Yipppeeee Yippppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

HIT WICKET MY HEART **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now