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Chapter 7 – How Do You See Right Through Me??

The Next Day - Noon

Khushi's POV

So you know that flutter in my stomach, the one I had felt when Arnav had hugged me in close into him, for the very first time?

I felt it again.

I definitely felt a lot of those flutters all over again, when he pulled me in for a tight hug last night at the beach.

I could sense something in the way he pulled me into him, and especially the way his arms wrapped tightly around my waist in the touch that almost felt possessive, as if it was supposed to mean something more than just a friendly hug.

And the fact that he didn't let go off me, until I reminded him that it was time to leave or we would miss the bus.

There was something about it all.

Something that I cant really comprehend or explain, as I was anyway too shocked by the flutters in my stomach, because something inside of me had been kind off swinging up and down.

Up and down.

Up and down.

Over and over again.

Like how you feel when you sit on the Ferris wheel, and your stomach flutters when you are descending from the the top.

And then there was something about the way he'd just simply laced his fingers through mine, and held on to my hand on that bus ride back as we both enjoyed the view with our hoodies on ,and he'd shared one of his earphones with me for that playlist that we had been listening together for a the last couple of days.

And he'd held it that way until we reached that bus stop near his hotel, and we got off, because I had to walk to the other bus stop to take the bus back home and he had to go back to the hotel.

Why did he lace his fingers through mine and hold my hand the way he did?

And why did it have to feel like - as if all those flutters had now decided to flip around at the same time.

Why did it have to feel so right?As if it was the most normal and usual thing in this world for him to do??

It had felt different and it had also felt very good.

Never has something so simple like - holding onto someone's hand - had this kind of erratic flutter reaction in the pit of my stomach.

I am not a big fan of hand holding actually but have obviously had mine held by Armaan, a couple of times in my two month dating adventure for brief minutes here and there , but I would always end up pulling my hand away because I'd get distracted by something or the other.

And that is why there was something about this that was making me nervous within.

Because even though I had a lot of distraction from the view,on the bus ride back, I did not pull my hand away from his grip, infact I was kind of in awe over how my hand fit into his as he gently laced his fingers through mine.

And I' v definitely never held on to anybody's hand or have mine gripped in there's for as long as 25 minutes of the bus ride, and then of course the fact that when I did finally pull my hand away as we reached the bus stop and I sprang to my feet on reflex, I think I almost saw a flash of disappointment go through his eyes, before he gave me a warm smile and then followed me on our way out.

And im definetly feeling those flutters again in the pit of my stomach, as I find myself thinking about him as I eat my lunch in my break time, as I am revisiting all of the moments above in my head.

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