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I am back with a 8.7k words Long Updateeee!!!!

We are forward by Nine more Days into their world.

Guys please keep an eye on the Timeline of the Story

I shall let you all dive in without further delay




(25TH November – Same Year – Auckland)

11.15 PM


I grin as I hear Dad exclaim on the video call – " My son, what a brilliant game that was last night, I can't get over know what, youv been bloody brilliant this year, look at that performance of yours – its peaking in all three – fielding, bowling , batting,like literally, tell me how did you even fly up to take that catch on the boundary line – that brilliant shot was totally heading for a six, and NZ needed that last six for the win to win that second T20 so that they would have a chance to clinch the t20 series in the match tomorrow, and trust me, I was more nervous than your Mom this time around, as I held my breath when the ball was in the air...but no...all thanks to my killer genepool, what do I see next..i see my brilliant son shoot up in the air and catch it, and it happened so fast son, it was bloody brilliant of you to throw the ball into air again, to regain your balance near the boundary line so that your foot didn't cross the line by any chance, and just then I am telling you, mind this...I am sure the entire country was holding its breath when you shot that ball up into the air again after catching it again – and everybody was praying for it to fall back straight into your hands, and it did..god it was insane, and trust me when I say this, even your dadi jumped up in glee and couldn't stop clapping as she exclaimed happily how bloody brilliant her grandson was..."

I smile – " thanks Dad, yes it was exciting, quite much actually, I cannot get over it myself, it was so thrilling that moment..."

Dad grins – " and that's is why I took a little break from my meeting to call you right now..."

So yes.

New Zealand was 7 hours 30 minutes ahead of India.

Dad was in office, and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw his incoming video call.

I grin – " thanks dad...and you can go back to you can go back to your meeting now, I know you don't like to make people wait.."

Dad grins – " I will resume in a while, because by the time I get home you will be asleep, and I wanted to discuss something with you.."

I look at him worried – " what is it Dad?? All ok?? I mean your bp isn't fluctuation again..are you taking your medications on time????"

He grins – " yes son, don't worry about it at all, you think your mom will spear me, I am fit and fine, you do know the morning 5k run that I do everyday – takes care of everything and then obviously I do watch my diet know your mother, shes so paranoid about my heart, she keeps telling me to be careful, since I am heading to that age when we lost your grandfather to that massive cardiac arrest in his sleep..."

I groan – " Dad..please..."

He smiles – " Son, relax..what I am saying is, that I am hail and hearty, infact I just finished with my regular checks up the TMT etc this morning, and my heart is in perfect shape..."

HIT WICKET MY HEART **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now