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Hello everyone...

Supriseeeeeee Again!

Back with the fourth update in a row.

Went totally in flow with the thoughts in my head and penned it down, for my fingers were itching to type it out.

I will let you all dive in without further delay!

Let me know what you all think.



Arnav's POV

Im in trouble.

In a big time – Trouble.

Or Rather I should say – that I have landed myself in the middle of a Big SOUP.


I cant stop thinking about Khushi.

I literally cannot get her face outta my mind, or everything to do with her outta my thoughts.

And – There is a very very important point to be noted here for future reference.

I don't want to stop thinking about her.

And I am not going to.

And it's a trouble that im more than Happy to take On.

Because its about time – that I start paying attention to the Great Expectations of my Heart.

Until now - Everything In the 28 years of my Life, had been narrowing down to two things mainly – Cricket and Business.

Everything I do - Its always really been about shouldering the great expectations and responsibilities that are expected out of me in the world of cricket and business(as I have also seeked to train and educate myself for everything that I will be needed to do when I step into the world of business, and assist dad as the CEO of Raizada Industries- two years from now)

And amidst all that I never really did have the time to pause and explore the matters of the heart.I totally always felt like I couldn't be fair to it because of my hectic lifestyle and schedules.

But maybe,it wasn't just about that assumption about myself that I had in my head.

Because now, my neurons were literally kind of overworking and brainstorming the different ways in which I could find some good time to give in – to those moments my heart seeked.

Uptil now – maybe because I'd Never wanted to do it, I held that assumption in my head that I couldn't do it.


I had never really met anyone – Who could Break Her way into my Heart.

Uptil now,I had always longed to meet someone who will just see beyond the surface and look at me for who I am , deep within,and it hadn't happened for all these years so I had even kind off started wondering and doubting the fact whether I would actually meet someone who was able to startle my heart and stir up those emotions – that will force me to give in to those expectations within.

And then.

A sudden event as if it was supposed to be like that lucky chance roll of a dice to double sixes – I walk into a little coffee shop – totally unaware at that point in time that – that very moment was going to be a turning point of my Life.

A Turning Point – it definitely was.

The bestest decision I made – by taking my chances and walking into Chai and Coffee that day.

HIT WICKET MY HEART **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now