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Khushi's POV

I was kind of glad that the driver drove away the instant I sat in the cab, because those damm flutters in my stomach would just not stop fluttering.

Everything inside off me was going up and down over and over again as if I was riding a ferris wheel in a supersonic speed.

And it had started the minute he had leaned in close into me over that toy vending machine, keeping his hand over mine on the joystick gently as he helped me adjust my aim. He had his another arm on the other side of the machine, and I stood like a lost hypnotised person in between his arms.

And I swear to god, when leaned into the side of my neck and whispered softly in my ears – I felt like my brain had stopped functioning.

I literally felt goosebumps all over my being.

And the way he had held my hand over his heart again, and that eye lock.

There was something about it surely.

Ok, Ok, Ok.

Wait Khushi.

I asked myself to take deep breathes again and again.

I was going crazy.

Once again, reading too much into the unsaid.

But I'v never felt this unsaid intensity ever in all of my Life.

Never with Armaan too.

No one has ever had – had this kind of affect on me?

Then why?

Why did it have to feel so right?

Especially when I wasn't supposed to be feeling any of this.

I mean, I shouldn't definetly be feeling any of these flutters and goosebumps, and brain shutdowns that were now malfunctioning my ability to think straight.

Because first thing out – in my head I still feel like I am not ready for this.its scary, and its going to derail me.And second and the most important factor – the central object who was causing all these flutters and goosebumps, was someone who totally lived and belonged to a different world from mine.

I took a deep breathe as I told myself, that this was it Khushi – today is anyway the last night hes going to be here, and then he is going to leave and you will not see him or hear from him again, because obviously duhh- he isn't going to have the time to look back and attach any more meaning that went beyond casual friendship - into these last couple days with a stupid idiotic weirdo like me.

A felt a weird flutter in my stomach again at the thought of him leaving for real, in a couple of hours from now came back to hit my head.

I was going crazy.

I know exactly what I needed to tell myself to get these flutters to immediately stop and that's exactly what I told myself over and over again.

Who Me??

Who He??

Different Worlds – Different Lives – Different Countries- No practical Commonality whatsoever, except for the fact that we did connect instantly and so easily – that it is very very suprising.

How did it happen again??

I mean he was totally right In asking that how did I just manage to understand his unsaid and see through it all??

HIT WICKET MY HEART **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now