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Chapter 5 – You Win Some ; You Loose Some

Khushi's POV

I smiled to myself as I walked up the stairs to my little room.

The evening had been good fun.

More than what I had anticipated actually.

He was such a cool guy.

I shrugged my shoulders as I sat on the bed, it was so sad that the world didn't look at him for he was.

People looked at him,as they wanted to look at him based on their vey own perceptions and as long as that fit the glamourous celebrity template, they didn't want to put too much effort into reading beyond.

I picked up my tank top and matching shorts night suit change and walked to my bath, for refreshing shower.

Fifteen minute later, as I step out, feeling all refreshed and changed for the night for a goods night sleep , I walked to the little fridge in my studios kitchennete and filled my sipper with some iced water.

I lived on cold water.

We were still in the middle of Feburary, it was still summer for us, and it would be till the end of the month and then autumn would set in as March began, and winter would only start by June, followed by spring , and then summer again once December came.

Weather for us, was totally different from what it was back in the Asian subcontinent India, and it was still winter there in the north of India.

Oh wait? Did they schedule all the touring and the tournaments and the matches, keeping in mind the weather of different countries?

I made a mental note to ask Arnav about this.

Incase that was what it was ; it was a good strategy.

I sat in bed and right then , I remembered I still had to work on a little report that I had to present to my boss.

I had planned on doing it after dinner, but then I was having so much fun around Arnav that id thought off pushing it for later.

Ok, all I needed was 30 minutes.

It was just midnight.

Id get this done by 1230am and then just crash to sleep.

I picked up my laptop, and started to work on it.


30 Minutes later

I closed my laptop and put it aside and then picked my phone and put my alarm for 730am in the morning and right then my phone beeped.

It was a whatsapp message from Arnav.

I smiled to myself as opened the chat box.

His message read : Thank you for a wonderful evening Khushi.I had such a good time with you that im feeling more relaxed than ever.

I quickly replied : oh really are you now hoodie guy.thats good.Thank you much for your time, you are a cool company, it was a good evening.

My phone beeped in a second.

He was online.

Him : Why are you still awake?Dont you have work tomorrow?

I smiled as I wrote :Oh that, its because I still had to finish on a report that I have to hand in to my boss tomorrow at work.Just finished it.

I got a quick reply.

Him : Im sorry khushi, I shouldn't have kept you longer.

I quickly replied : don't worry about I said you are such a cool company, I was enjoying myself.i don't usually sleep before 1230am anyway.

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