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Helloo everyoneee..

Back with an update..this one isn't very long 5k words.

And it totally had to stand out on its own.

Will let you all dive in without further delay

I shall also give another update tomorrow!




Khushi's POV

7.15 PM – Chai and Coffee

I smile at Varun as he steps in to take over the till, from me, and I walk over to the coffee station to brew myself my coffee, and I smile to myself automatically as my thoughts return to Him.

I thought about him , everytime I made myself coffee, because he liked his in the same flavour as mine.


To be like Honest.

Really Honest.

My thoughts werent just shifting to him when I made Coffee – he was at the back of my head pretty much all the time!

I have no logic to explain the how's off it, but its true that Arnav Singh Raizada – has managed to tiptoe his way into my thoughts – a lot more than I had anticipated him too.

Because I find myself thinking about him pretty much all the time, he's always in the back of my head – it starts the minute I wake up and goes on until I sleep.

Hes literally the first thought on my mind as I wake up, because I always have a goodmorning text waiting from him , when I wake up!

And he is literally the last person on my mind as I sleep, because I spend the time thinking about our conversations or reading up our chats from the day, before crashing to bed.

What was wrong with me??

The software of my brain is probably malfunctioning at a different level now.


What was wrong with him??


What was wrong with both of us??

Its been nine days since he left Cape Town physically, but not even for a single second did I feel like that he'd left.

Because we were literally talking all the freaking time!!

He would call me first thing out as id message him goodmorning after id wake up, we'd talk for a while, and then keep chatting up in between as much as time permitted between work and then I would use my time in the lunch break to talk to him and then again return to texting in between until I got free from the Café shifts and then retreated to my room to get on a video call or a voice call as time and place permitted, and on the days I was driving my uber, id often be on calls with him too in between my pick ups, until it would be 10pm here in Cape town and I would have to remind him that it was now 1.30am in India and he had to sleep.

I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Did I want to stop thinking about him?

I don't think so.

Because never before in my Life did it feel so good to have someone occupy my thoughts in this way.

But then again.

HIT WICKET MY HEART **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now