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Hellloooo everyoneeeeee

Surpriseee Surpriseeee!!!

Happy Thursday Guys.

I am here with a 8k word Long Update for today for Hit Wicket!

I shall let you all dive in without further delay.

I had to continue writing this today because in my head I have this track revolving right, so only fair that I pen this down first..because I need to like shift my headspace and writing style for Chaotic Wires – so I wanted to pen this out first!


Chapter 24 – Elixir and Bliss

One Day Later – As In Friday Morning

(Arnav has to leave on Saturday late night)

Khushi's POV

10.45 AM

I pull out the sleeves of my this light fleeced high neck olive green full sleeved tee so that its now half way up my palm and I hold onto this warm coffee cup in my hands, and I feel the little chill in the air, send shivers down my arms.

The Chill I recognised very well because it told me that - Winter was almost here.

I smile as I sip on the coffee again, sitting on this picnic bench right outside our Caravan as I am waiting for Arnav to finish getting ready.He stepped into the Caravan for Shower like about five minutes ago.

I had gotten ready first after we finished my usual coffee and toast breakfast here at this very table like we had been having ever since we came here.

So Yesterday had been another Wonderful day ofcourse, we had finished breakfast and then first thing out – I had driven Arnav to Simsontown – a town which is like a suburb in the South Peninsula of Cape Town, and is located on the shores of False Bay, on the eastern side of the Cape Peninsula.For more than two Centuries this town has been like a naval base and harbour (first for the British Royal Navy and now to the South African Navy).

It's a cozy little town this place and has two extreme popular tourist spots – The Boulders beach and the Martello Tower.

Boulders Beach is my favourite though because they kind off give us a rare sight.Here there were small coves and beaches that wete interspersed between boulders of Cape Granite you know hence the name Boulders beach – but you know what was more unique about this beah – was its fascinating colony of African Penguins.They say that the colony of penguins started living on this beach on 1985, however theres no record of the penguins having lived here prior to that date.

I grin automatically as I remember Arnav's expression from yesterday – he was so fascinated and excited when the massive colony of penguins grouped with each other fell inline with his vision – and then he asked me all the possible touristy questions about the place and I was obviously very happy to oblige.

I loved that smile on him.

And then I had taken him to the Martello tower, which was built by the British in like 1796 and today it fell within our countrys Naval Base.This tower was used as a navigational beacon for ships that would enter Simons Bay and was white washed in 1843, and the tower was restored in 1972 by the Simons Town Historical society and was proclaimed a provincial heritage site and it also has a small museum.

Again – Arnav had asked me to get on with my tourist guide mode as he asked me to tell him all about it, the facts, the myths, the history etc etc, and I had happily obliged again.

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