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Arnav's POV

I looked at the time on my phone, it was 945Pm and I felt my stomach rumble in hunger.I had been walking and wandering around the busy city center of Cape Town for almost 70 minutes now, just listening to my favourite music and although I had started to get hungry 30 minutes ago, I didn't stop to eat, because I was in a very crowded area of the center at that point of time and I didn't want to stop because I'd be recognised the minute I put the hoodie away and that would completely defeat the purpose of my walk.

I walk a little further down the street, I so wanted to try out some local street food tonight, but it had been more crowded than I had expected and now most of the joints around were kind of shutting down,and it was right then I spotted this little cozy café at the end of the bended round street which read – Chai and Coffee.I walked a little closer to the main enterance, and noticed that there was almost no one inside, and I looked at the name of the café again – Chai and Coffee, since the name Chai was there, it probably meant that the owner was of Indian origin, and would probably recognise me once I was in there, or maybe not, maybe the owner had left for the day already.

I heard my stomach rumble again, and I decided to take the chance and stepped in through the door, and the café was more or less empty, and I spoke, still keeping my hoodie on – "hello, anyone there..."

I looked at my phone.It was 9:50PM.

I called out again – " anyone here..."

And right then I heard a voice from the backend – " Ill be there in a minute Sir...wait up..."

Ok.thank God, I wasn't going to have to wait longer for a meal,or wait until I reached back the hotel to order room service.

I picked up the menu that was there on the counter, and scanned it and I spotted the name of couple of fusion dishes back from India, I had been right, the owner was definetly from India. I looked around the café there was no one else in here, so atleast I was going to be saved by getting mobbed by the crowd, and right then I heard that voice again – " hey,im sorry, we are technically closed now, we take the last order at 945PM..and I cant technically punch in a sale post that, its against our rules..."

Since my hoodie was still covering a lot of my vision, I couldn't really see this girl clearly, and I spoke, trying to make a last try – " can you please make a exception to that rule tonight, its only five minutes over, and I am really starving..all I want is some black coffee and maybe a sandwich.."

And because I could see a part of her from her nose down, I saw the girl tap her feet on the ground and I saw her fold her arms across and she folded her lips as she spoke – "ummm..i don't know, wait..let me think...", and then she paused as she spoke, seconds later – "well, technically I cant really make a sale, im sorry about that, but you said you want some black coffee right??"

I nodded – " yup, black, and no sugar..."

She picked up a filled and sealed cup from the counter behind her as she spoke – " here, you can drink this, if you don't mind..I made this for myself five minutes ago, but I haven't even had a sip yet, its black and no sugar, just like you want too..."

I smiled to myself as I took the cup from her hand and took a sip off it, and I was surprised at the taste off it, I rarely met anyone who liked coffee as strong as I did, and without sugar too, and I spoke – " thank you..this works, how much do I need to pay?"

She spoke – " well you don't have too, technically im not making a sale here, and I cannot turn away someone who is starving, so before I get to arranging something for you to eat, you mind if I ask you something?"

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