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Helloooo guyssss

I am back with a back to back update again

Superlong again like – 10 k.

I shall let you all dive in without further delay.



Next Day -10:30 AM


Arnav's POV

I step out of the En-Suite Bath of our Caravan after finishing up with my bath and getting ready into my denims and a warm black round neck sweatshirt and I now put the kettle on boil and I check the time on my phone.

It was 1030 am.

I walk up to the bed, where my Sunshine is still deep in her slumber,and I don't have the heart to wake her up yet, (because she never gets much time to relax anyway, and I totally want her to just ease and relax , because I know from Monday on – she will go back to functioning like a crazy machine anyway – with college starting too for her), and so I am just going to let her sleep a little bit more ,even though the minute she will wake up and see the time – she will immediately go on her dramatic mode which I so deeply adore and go around exclaiming how she's never slept in so late.

I smile on reflex, as my heart warms up at just the sight of her sleeping so adorably.

My Purest Bliss was enjoying a Blissful Slumber.

And I was going to let her, for some more time.

I quickly walk back to the mini kitchenette and make myself some coffee, and I know it isn't going to be the flavour I love, but it will do for the first cup, and once I finish making it, I quickly pick out a couple of biscuits and I walk up to the C shaped sofa in the caravan and adjust myself against the corner and I look out the window in front of me and enjoy the view, sipping my coffee.

And I cannot even begin to explain what I am feeling right now.

Because I think I will never have the words.

I have never felt all these Deep Emotions ever in all of my Life.

And point to be noted – when I arrived here on Monday – I already thought and felt in my head that my emotions for her were like Deep, and I thought theres no way I can fall in deeper for her, because I was already at the maximum.

But Boy!

I was Wrong!!

Completely Wrong!!

For everything that I Have felt in the last so many days of being with Khushi – in and out – I kind of feel – that the emotions have creeped in a lot more deeper into my Heart.

They are like Super- Deep.

Like Really Super- Deepppppppppppp!

And I am kind off fascinated you know by everything I am feeling because first out never in my Life had I imagined that Love will grip my heart in such a way that it will absorb me like this.

So Just a Point in Here.

Like you know how Khushi calls me Her Atlantic Ocean and stuff but I think my emotions for her run like as Deep as the depth of the Pacific Ocean which they do say is the deepest of all oceans because of the Mariana Trench – which is the deepest known point in Earth's oceans.

I know..I know!!!

That's Me right now – who just made that crazy deep analogy and Not Khushi.

HIT WICKET MY HEART **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now