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Jennie -

Walking the hallways of the university has always been so normal to me. Today is different because Lisa is walking with me while she held my hand securely. It was different, totally different from what I'm used to.

I stared at the big Maplewood door that says "Dean's Office" and I began to hyperventilate. Lisa placed her hands on my shoulders and made me face her.

"Jennie relax. I promise everything will be okay."

She said in the most soothing way possible and showed her hand to me.

"Do you trust me?" Her eyes pierced through my soul, her iris looked normal in a shade of brown that made me feel comfort and warmth.

I nod my head at her and placed my hand in the middle of her palm.

"I trust you" I whispered.

"Good, now let's do this," she said with a low voice that made me feel a little calmer.

Thank God I have Lisa or I will faint even before I open this door.

We entered the dean's office with sweaty palms and a heart that was pounding like a machine gun. The room was oddly small, for some reason, I find the dean's office lacking space or maybe I was just feeling stuffy from being too nervous.

Krystal was at the corner, scowling at Lisa and me. The last time I was here inside this office was when Mr. Jung, the owner, and the President interviewed me for the scholarship. And ever since that day, I promised myself never to enter this room for anything that would ruin my scholarship. Today, I have ruined that promise and have returned back inside the office with Lisa and a very beautiful lady sitting at Mr. Jung's chair.

"Ms. Kim, it's nice to finally meet you in person. I heard a lot of good things about you" the lady speaks. Her voice was sweet and her eyes smiled at me.

"My name is Jessica Jung, I am Krystal's older sister and the new Dean"

My mouth dropped and my eyes went wide.

This nice and beautiful lady is Krystal's sister?!

How did that even happen??

She's like an angel!

"I know, you must be wondering why Krystal and I are the total opposite. Believe me or not, I have no idea too" she chuckles but it was too lady-like. She looks like a model and an angel combined.

I glanced at Lisa to see if she was mesmerized too but she wasn't. She has a poker face and she didn't even blink.

"I hate you" Krystal mumbled.

"Now Ms. Kim, I heard how good you are with your studies but I am quite surprised that you got into this mess"

"I'm sorry" I bite my lower lip and lowered my head.

"She didn't do anything wrong. It was Krystal and Bobby's group who got her into this mess. They've hurt her multiple times and that's just unfair" Lisa chimed in.

"Ahhh, Ms. Manoban. I know what you're trying to say. So here's the deal, Ms. Kim first of all I would like to apologize for my sister's behavior."

"What the heck Jessica?"

"Shut it, Krystal. Should I tell dad about all this bullying?"

"Whatever" Krystal hissed but kept her mouth shut.

"Now where was I? Oh right! I'm sorry if she gave you a hard time and I hope you can still forgive her"

"I don't need her forgiveness" Krystal yelled before walking out of the office.

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