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Lisa -

Ripped jeans, a white tank top, and a black leather jacket. Checking the time from my Rolex watch, I realized that I already missed my first class but I didn't care anyway.

I grabbed my car keys and went straight to the door when I decided to stop in front of the mirror.

"Why do I look so perfect?"

My eyes glowed red and I tilt my head to the right "Oh right, because I'm an angel. A fucking hot fallen angel"

I pretended to shoot myself with my hand as a gun through the vanity mirror and blow an imaginary smoke.

"I can't believe I just saw that. My eyes are burning!"

My eyes darted to my balcony and I saw Jisoo leaning with a disgusted face.

"How did you - "

My eyes widen in horror upon realizing what she did.

"Did you just use your ability to climb up here?!"

She shrugs her shoulders and pops gum in her mouth.

"Yeah, I just tried what you did last time and I got here in less than a minute. Why did you take so long to climb here anyway?" she innocently answers.

"That's not the point Chu! What if someone caught you?? You're always being careless you dumbass!"

"Relax Limario! No one would see me I promise. Your neighborhood is as quiet as a library and as boring as you. You gotta trust Jichu Turtle Rabbit Kim"

"Say what now?" I ask, confused with what she just said.

"I said Jichu Turtle Rabbit Kim!" she yells.

"I know but what the fuck is Jichu Turtle whatever Kim?"

"It's my new nickname!"

"Why would you choose that as a nickname?"

"And why wouldn't she?"

We both snapped our heads at the couch and see our lovely angel sitting gracefully with her halo glowing in gold.


I run towards her and hugged her tight.

"I missed you. Why did you disappear?"

"Sorry Lis, duty called," she says and I nod at her.

"Are you guarding someone from this neighborhood?"

"You could say that" she smiles.

"Who??" I blurted the words without thinking

"You'll know soon" she taps my cheek lightly and I feel the warmth of her skin.


"Aren't you guys late for school?"

"Technically, we are already late but if we leave now we can still get to the next class. Laters chipmunk"

I dragged Jisoo out of the door while she waves Chaeng goodbye.

"See you later Chipmunk!"

The drive to the campus only takes 5 minutes at full speed. I chose to park at the very end beside an oak tree where people rarely go.

Before getting off of the car, I wore my Aviators because wearing dark glasses is the easiest way to hide our eyes in case it glows red at an unexpected moment.

Unlike Jisoo, she controls her emotions way better than me so she can easily walk around without needing to wear one.

As soon as we caught the people's attention I began to hear every thought as clear as the sky.

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