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Jennie -

The drive to the university took faster than what I have expected. Lisa had parked in the middle of the parking lot which was unusual because she usually takes the spot at the very end where no one can see  her.

Today, the people gathered at the parking lot and I can't help but feel scared that people would see me with Lisa who is the school's hottest new student.

Her and Chu is the school's current apple of the eye and I know how many girls and boys out there wants to date these two - students who belong to the upper class society who would match them perfectly unlike me who takes on a scholarship and works at night for a living.

I felt Lisa's hand on my leg and when I looked at her, she has a huge smile on her face.

"Why are you happy?" I asked her.

"Because I can't wait to show them that you're mine" she points outside the car using her lips and I saw students piling around her car.

"I'll see you two lovebirds later at the gym. Oh and Lisa, don't be late" she reminds before opening her door.

I heard some girls squealing when Chu blowed them kisses.

"Show off" Lisa mumbles.

"Hey, are you okay?" she held my chin and made me look at her so I had to avert my eyes.

"What's wrong Jen?"

"I - I don't think I can handle the crowd Lisa" I confessed.

"Why?" she furrowed her brows at me.

"Because they will hate me if they see us together. Do you know how many girls are dying to have you?" I said and Lisa scrunched her nose and I had to fight back a smile.

"Stop being cute Manoban! You're not helping!" I scowled at her but she only cupped my face.

"Look Jen, I don't care how many girls are dying to have me because I only want you. So stop overthinking and let the haters hate. They're just jealous because you have all my attention. You have my heart, my everything - you own me"

My heartbeat raced and I felt time had stopped the moment Lisa's lips met mine. Her hands found my nape and she pulled me closer to her while I held on her shoulders for support.

The kiss was sweet and I began to crave for more but then Lisa pulled away. Her eyes are glowing in red and we were both catching our own breath.

"Lisa are you okay?" I asked and she nodded her head

"I'm more than okay Jennie, trust me. Are you ready?" she said and I slowly nod my head.

Lisa slid her Rayban and pushed her door open. I heard the girls calling her name as she walk over to my side with a smirk on her face.

She opens the passenger door and extends her hand to me. "Shall we go my princess?" she asked and I placed my hand on hers.

A group of girls began to murmur and I automatically bowed my head. Lisa locked her car and whispered "Ignore them"

"Princess?" I asked and she draped an arm over my shoulder.

"Yes, that's you" she pinches the top of my nose and then pecked the top of my head.

"My princess" she mumbles with a crooked smile on her beautiful face while we walked through the pile of students with her arm draped over my shoulder.

Lisa walked me to my class and the hallways were filled with whispers and murmur. I glanced at Lisa who looked unbothered with her smirk.

"I'll see you later Jen. I'm excused with today's classes to prepare for the game. I'll fetch you later okay?" she says and I shaked my head.

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