Bully for You

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Friendship: Ralph and Vanellope
Disk: Piece of Cake
Disk Function: Boosts Stuns
Secondary Heroes: Frozone, Elastigirl, Finnick

Ralph: Sheesh kid, you had me scared there for a while. I didn't know if we were ever gonna find ya.
Vanellope: Aww, Stinkbrain, it'll take a lot more than that to keep us apart!

Episode 1: Creep Clearance
Vanellope: Hey Ralph! Elastigirl was telling me about some Creeps in the subway stations. Wanna join me for some target practice?
Ralph: Sure thing kid. Lead the way!

Ralph and Vanellope head to the subways to clear out some Creeps.

Our heroes try to take a breather, when Creeps pour out of the utility door.

Our heroes are overrun! They need to fight their way out.

Ralph pushes the horde back while Vanellope hits them with a soda blast.

Vanellope spots a familiar ace on one of the subway posters.

Vanellope: Sweet mother of monkey milk! You'll never believe what I saw in the Subway Station, Ralph! Guess what?
Ralph: Oh, I know this one! Chicken butt!
Vanellope: Normally, yes. But this time, it's an ad for Sugar Rush! Let's go see how adorable I look!

Episode 2: Sugar Rushing
Vanellope rushes down the platform, trying to find the poster.

The poster is now-where to be found, but they do find plenty of Creeps.

Vanellope spots a flash of pink nearby. Ralph rushes to keep up.

Vanellope points and yells, but her words are lost in the din of enemies.

Our heroes see the poster up ahead, but will have to fight their way to it.

Vanellope: Did ya see my "Sugar Rush" ad, Ralph? Did ya, huh? Did ya?
Ralph: What?...Oh, I wasn't looking. I was kinda distracted by the virus. It's infecting everything!
Vanellope: Ugh, you really are a Stinkbrain. Let's go back and look again.

Ep.3-Subway Showdown
Vanellope drags Ralph back to the poster.

Ralph tried to be supportive, but is just too distracted by the enemy.

Vanellope scrutinizes the ad before blasting Creeps with soda.

All of a sudden, our heroes are completely surrounded!

The Creeps scream, "All imperfections must be eliminated!"

Ralph: Hey, what's the matter, kid?
Vanellope: It's just, did you hear what those things said? "All imperfections must be eliminated". Were they talking about my glitch?
Ralph: No way, your glitch is awesome. C'mon, you know what they say, "Don't let a virus-infected Creep get to ya."
Vanellope: Who are "they"?

Episode 4: Beta Than Ever
Vanellope still seems to be upset about what the Creeps said to her.

Ralph tried to cheer up his friend by coming up with Creep insults.

Vanellope starts to feel better, but gets cornered by a Creep.

The Creeps circle around our heroes, "All Beta assets must be purged!".

"Take down the Betas!", the Creeps yell as they attack.

Vanellope: I can't believe it. Those Creeps called me a "beta asset"! A "beta asset", Ralph!
Ralph: Nobody talks to my friend like that! C'mon! We're gonna wreck 'em!

Episode 5: Sticky Situation
Ralph encourages Vanellope to help him take down those bullying Creeps.

Vanellope lets out a yell, and soaks the enemy with soda.

Ralph slams the ground, sending Creeps flying in all directions.

Vanellope unleashes her special ability, slamming the Creeps with her lollipop.

Ralph and Vanellope high five as they team up to take down the enemy.

Vanellope: I got 'em with my soda soaker. Did you see it, Ralph? They were super sticky.
Ralph: Nice! That'll teach 'em to pick on someone their own size. Or, you know, not to pick on anyone, regardless of size.

Episode 6: Taunt Fest
Ralph and Vanellope debate the meaning of "pick on someone your own size".

Vanellope hits an oncoming Creep with her mint mortar.

Our heroes start a contest—who will come up with the best Creep taunt?

Ralph calls a Creep a "Green Faced-Booger Eater".

Vanellope taunts a group of escaping Creeps with "Runny Diaper Babies".

Vanellope: After I pelted those Creeps in the face with soda, I yelled, "You better run, you diaper babies! Run!".

Ralph: That's great. But next time try, "booger-breath diaper babies". You know...cause it implies they eat their own boogers...like babies.

Episode 7: Break the Cycle
The contest continues as Ralph yells, "Cowardly Cake Eaters!".

Vanellope cries, "Run you dastardly evil-doers!".

Ralph continues the taunts, unaware that Vanellope has ceased hers.

The Creeps keep coming. Ralph has to shield Vanellope from their attacks.

Vanellope stops fighting in the midst of battle. Ralph steps in to help.

Ralph: Hey, I saw that you were about to whack those Creeps with your lollipop, but you hesitated. What happened?
Vanellope: My heart just wasn't in it. Maybe by beating up the bullies, we're contributing to a cycle of violence. Like maybe...we're the bullies now? Or...maybe it's just indigestion from all the candy. I can't decide.

Episode 8: Crisis of Confidence
Our heroes feel torn, but aren't given a choice as more Creeps attack.

As Vanellope fights, she becomes more determined.

She tells Ralph that they have to fight, so that they can save the City.

It's not the Creeps' fault that the corruption is spreading.

Our heroes vow to do whatever they can to save the City.

Ralph: You're right, kid. The corruption isn't the Creeps' fault. They can't help the way they're acting. It's the virus!
Vanellope: We gotta keep fighting, Ralph. But not just to beat up on Creeps, to save 'em. 'Cause we're heroes and that's our....I'll let you say it.
Ralph: Duty! And what a big duty it is...
Vanellope: Heh! Gets me every time.

Disney Heroes: Battle Mode-Friendships(Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now