Tag! You're It!

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Friendship: Nick and Judy
Disk: Street Art Shuffle
Disk Function: Shields allies
Secondary Heroes: Yax, Jack-Jack, Finnick

Nick: So Carrots, I think these Creeps are ready for a signature Nick Wilde hustle.
Judy: And what kind of hustle would that be?
Nick: Just watch and learn, Officer Fluff.

Episode 1: Paint The Town
Judy and Nick make a great team. Together, they can face anything.

Judy sees graffiti on her way to the cafe. She knows Nick will help her find the culprit.

She can't wait to tell Nick all about it. He'll be just as upset as she is. She knows it!

They've been so busy fighting Creeps that there hasn't been any time to socialize.

When she finally gets a chance to tell Nick, she's practically bursting with anticipation.

Nick: So what wrongs will we be righting today, Carrots?
Judy: There's a graffiti artist on the loose. We have to take him down before he paints the whole town red!
Nick: Nice on, Carrots. Especially since you have no idea what you just said.

Episode 2: Face The Wall
The two investigate the spot where Judy saw the original tag. But when they arrive, the tag is gone!

The wall where the tag was has now been painted over. Where will they go for clues now?

The two hear shouting. It's the buildings super, and she tells them to scat before she calls the cops.

Nick explains that they are cops, and if it's ok if they ask her a few questions about the tag.

The two investigate the area where the super told them she saw another tag.

Nick: Hey, Carrots, I found one! The composition is somewhat lacking, but I really like the use of color.
Judy: Like it?! This is defacement of public property. We have to find this criminal before any more damage is done.

Episode 3: Local Flavor
Nick and Judy begin to question locals, hoping someone saw something that might help.

Luckily, someone saw a tagger last week. But they couldn't make out who it was.

The informant tells them the location of the tag they saw. Nick and Judy go to check it out.

The tag was in the exact spot they were told to find it. No one had painted over it yet.

While Judy searches the area for clues, Nick takes a long hard look at the painting.

Nick: When we catch this guy, how 'bout you let me run point on the interrogation?
Judy: Want to get as much practice in as possible, huh? Very conscientious of you.
Nick: What? No. I just want to ask who his artistic influences are.

Episode 4: Red Hare-ing
Judy continues to look for clues. She thinks she sees something in the alley. It's a Creep!

Judy punches the Creep in the face! Nick trips it, and the Creep loses its footing and falls backward.

Before they know it, the Creep's buddies show up. Nick and Judy are swarmed!

The two fight back. Using their academy training and teamwork, the Creeps don't stand a chance.

With their foes defeated, Nick and Judy return to the painting. Nick stares and Judy makes a face.

Judy: I don't understand how you can possibly consider graffiti to be art.
Nick: Well, you consider carrots to be food, so...

Episode 5: Is it Art?
Judy scours the area, searching for clues.

Nick stops to admire a particularly nice piece, when the two get ambushed!

Judy tries furiously scrubbing the graffiti with her handkerchief, to no avail.

Nick tries to teach Judy about the artistic merits of the work, but she remains unconvinced.

Judy spots some red paw-prints. She quickly follows them...running right into a Creep.

Judy: A clue! Nick, I found a clue!
Nick: Red paw-prints? Hmm, looks like we might catch our culprit red-pawed.

Episode 6: He's a Cutup
The two follow the paw-prints. At first, the prints are bright, but they slowly fade.

When the prints become so faint they can't be seen, Nick and Judy are far from their start point.

They begin to canvas the area, but there doesn't seem to be anyone around to question.

The two continue to look for clues.

Unsure on what to do next, the two begin to brainstorm their next move.

Nick: There are a lot fewer defacements around here. Maybe "the artist" finally realized what he was doing was wrong. Or, and this is just a thought, he ran out of paint.
Judy: Wait, is that Finnick?
Nick: Hey buddy, watcha doin'?
Finnick: Expressing my feelings in the form of street art. What's it look like?

Episode 7: Basqui-Not
Judy gets out her cuffs, ready to arrest Finnick. She likes him, but she has to uphold the law.

Finnick pulls out a remote. His van pulls up and he hops in, trying to get away.

Judy and Nick are hot on Finnick's trail, but keep getting blocked by Creeps!

Up ahead, Judy sees Creeps swarming Finnick's van! The two try to fight their way to him.

Nick and Judy catch up with the Creeps attacking Finnick.

Judy: Now Nick, I know he's your friend, but he did break the law.
Nick: C'mon, Carrots. There has to be a way we can spin this. I mean, you're reformed, right Finnick?

Episode 8: Mural By Prankster
Nick explains his plan. What did he and Judy see today? Art. Not legal art, but art nonetheless.

If Finnick could express himself in a legal and constructive way...well, they could use that.

Nick proposes a series of murals. Specifically in the neighborhoods he originally tagged.

Judy is hesitant, but ultimately agrees to the deal. As long as she can be the attending officer.

She and Nick retrace their steps and talk to the tagged building owners. Everyone seems on board.

Judy: You know, I was skeptical, but your idea to have Finnick do a mural was actually smart. Everyone's really connecting to his work.
Nick: Why thank you, Carrots. It is one of my more inspired moments.
Finnick: Whoa, you're paying me, right? 'Cause cash flow's been a little tight since the pawpsicle business dried up.

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