Vigilante Justice

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Friendship: Chief Bogo and Mr. Incredible
Disk: Vigilante Justice (same name as the friendship title)
Disk Function: "Serve and Protect" skill heals Chief Bogo
Secondary Heroes: Vanellope, Violet, Judy

Chief Bogo: Have you ever thought about becoming a meter maid?
Mr. Incredible: A meter maid? What a waste of my...incredibly impressive...skills.
Chief Bogo: You're right. You're probably not cut out for it.
Mr. Incredible: Not cut out for it? Oh, you better believe I'm cut out for it. I'll have 100 citations on your desk by tomorrow.

Episode 1: Clear Out
Bogo notices the area near the precinct is overrun by Creeps.

Assessing the area is unsafe for civilians, Bogo attempts to block it off.

Bogo is surprised to see Mr. Incredible waltz right past his barricade of orange traffic cones.

The Super engages in combat with a Creep and Bogo decides to give Mr. Incredible a warning.

Suddenly, a Creep attacks. The two dispatch of the virtual vermin and have a little chat.

Mr. Incredible: Look, can't we work something out? We're on the same side.
Chief Bogo: That's where you are wrong. I'm on the side of the law, and you are about to be on the other side of some very thick bars.

Episode 2: An Axe to Grind
Bogo tries to cuff Mr. Incredible, but they end up getting interrupted by a Creep horde.

While Bogo looks for the cuffs, one Creep attacks Mr. Incredible from the left...

...another one comes from the right.

Bogo finds the cuffs and steps in to help just in time.

As he leads Mr. Incredible to the squad car, Bogo notices the Creeps have dismantled the vehicle.

Mr. Incredible: Seems like it's gonna take awhile to get to the precinct. There's a lotta Creeps out there with an axe to grind. Against me.
Chief Bogo: Not to worry. I'll take care of this lot. Stay here. I don't want any trouble.

Episode 3: A Real Houdini
As Bogo is distracted by the Creeps, Mr. Incredible breaks free of the handcuffs.

Mr. Incredible joins in the fray just as Bogo is surrounded by Creeps.

Bogo tells him to stand down, but the Super picks up what is left of the squad car.

Mr. Incredible spins the car around, knocking out the entire horde.

Bogo is shocked! Mr. Incredible simply smiles at the bewildered bovine.

Chief Bogo: I'm impressed. You knocked out an entire horde. I should be angry. You disobeyed a direct order. But that was actually pretty incredible. If you told me you could do the same with bureaucratic paperwork, I just might have to give you a job.
Mr. Incredible: Actually, in my secret identity, I spent years dealing with mountains of mind-numbing paperwork. Insurance adjuster.
Chief Bogo: My condolences.

Episode 4: It's Showtime!
Bogo and Mr. Incredible tail the Creeps to see where they're going next.

The good news? They are going away from the police station.

The bad news? They are headed straight towards the school.

Mr. Incredible shouts, "My kids are in there!"

Bogo replies that they'll be fine as long as they work together.

Chief Bogo: So, I'll take the Creep on the right and you take the one on the left.
Mr. Incredible: Or I could take both of them!
Chief Bogo: ...showoff.

Episode 5: School's Out
The Creeps have the school surrounded, but they're no match for Mr. Incredible and Chief Bogo.

Bogo covers the ground with a thick paste, so the Creeps can't get within ten feet of the school.

After that, Mr. Incredible is able to take them out one by one.

Mr. Incredible comments that they should go to the soda fountain afterwards to celebrate.

Bogo wants to, but he can't ignore his sense of justice.

Chief Bogo: Look, just because we're working together for now, that doesn't mean you're off the hook. We're still going down to the City precinct.
Mr. Incredible: I wouldn't expect any less.

Episode 6: Lawful Good
On their way back to the precinct, Bogo and Mr. Incredible hear something unusual.

They go to the Subway station and see that a little girl is stuck on the tracks.

The little girl says she was pushed down by Creeps. As if on cue, the Creeps show up and attack.

Mr. Incredible wants to help right away, but Bogo wants to follow protocol.

Bogo gets the subway to shut down until the evac crew arrives. They fight off the Creeps until then.

Chief Bogo: Perhaps this isn't my business, but have you ever considered working WITH the law instead of as a vigilante?
Mr. Incredible: If only I could. Where I'm from, just using my powers is against the law. Sometimes it feels like being myself is against the law too...

Episode 7: Stop That Train!
Despite Bogo's call, a train starts pulling into the station.

Mr. Incredible decides it's time to break protocol and jumps into the tracks to stop the train.

Unfortunately, Creeps follow him onto the tracks.

Bogo fights off the Creeps and pulls the little girl to safety.

Mr. Incredible smiles and says, "See? Sometimes you have to go against protocol."

Chief Bogo: I heard what you said back there. You know, *whispers* about how not being able to use your powers makes you feel. Maybe I don't have to bring you in after all.
Mr. Incredible: Really?
Chief Bogo: I'm the chief. We can work something out.

Episode 8: Legal Trouble
Bogo and Mr. Incredible head to the soda fountain for that celebratory drink.

Suddenly, they see a little old lady attacked by Creeps who try to "purge her of errors."

Bogo and Mr. Incredible know what they have to do.

Bogo goes in to help the old lady, while Mr. Incredible shows off his super strength.

Even Bogo is forced to admit they make a pretty good team.

Mr. Incredible: So you mean, as long as I agree to work for the greater good, using my powers here in the City is legal?
Chief Bogo: I don't know about where you're from, but where I'm from, it's not illegal to be yourself.
Mr. Incredible: That's a relief. For me and my family. Well, I look forward to working together, Chief.

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