Boys' Night

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Friendship: Mr. Incredible and Dash(are actually family members)
Disk: Training Montage
Disk Function: Gets stronger
Secondary Heroes: Calhoun, Judy, Chief Bogo

Dash: Daaaaaad...I've been waiting for over 20 minutes. Why are you soooo sloooow?
Mr. Incredible: I don't know. Maybe the same reason you can't lift a car. We all have different strengths, Dash. Pun intended.
Dash: And why are you so cheeeeeesy?
Mr. Incredible: I don't know. Maybe the same reason you eloooooongate your vowels when you're annoyed with me.

Episode 1: Father-Son Time
Mr. Incredible: Gotta tell ya, son, I am really proud of you. You've been handling this Creep menace remarkably well.
Dash: Wow, thanks, Dad!
Mr. Incredible: I think it's time for your old man to show you some trade secrets. Gotta be sure you're ready for whatever comes next.

Mr. Incredible and Dash head out for some quality father-son time.

Dash shows off his speed by punching five Brutes in he face. His dad is pretty impressed.

The two team up to take down a group of Blue Mages harassing a little old lady.

After clearing the Blue Mages, the two escort the little old lady across the street. She hums a song to herself and then thanks them both.

Mr. Incredible thinks it's time to take Dash's skills to the next level.

Mr. Incredible: All right, let's start by improving your hand-to-hand.
Dash: But I already know how to punch, Dad!
Mr. Incredible: Yes, but you don't know how to fight defensively, and that's just as important. Come on, I know just the place to practice.

Episode 2: Boxing Day
The duo head to the robot fighting arena to learn some new boxing techniques from the combatants.

Mr. Incredible shows his son how to keep his fists up to protect his face.

The two do a bit of friendly sparring before some Creeps arrive, allowing Dash to test his skills.

Dash runs in, gives a Brute a quick one-two punch, then dashes back.

Mr. Incredible gives Dash a high-five before jumping and slamming into the oncoming enemies.

Dash: How am I doin', Dad?
Mr. Incredible: You're doing great, Dash. But make sure to keep those arms up. Gotta protect your face.

Episode 3: Test Track
Mr. Incredible takes Dash to a place where he can run as fast as he can.

Dash wriggles with excitement as his dad gets out a stopwatch.

Dash is about to start his test run when he sees a Brute lurking behind his dad!

The stopwatch is knocked to the ground and the glass is broken. The two will have to get Felix to fix it.

The dynamic duo clear out the area to get ready for Dash's test run.

Me. Incredible: Phew! You were really booking there, Dash!
Dash: Well, you told me I could go as fast as I wanted!
Mr. Incredible: Heh, heh. That I did, son. Just make sure you know what you're running into, okay?

Episode 4: Look Before You Leap
Dash, confident that he can break his last record, takes off without his dad giving him the go-ahead.

Within moments, Dash runs headlong into a large group of enemies!

Mr. Incredible throws a car down the street, blocking the enemy from advancing too quickly.

Father and son team up to take on the baddies.

Dash runs up to punch a group of enemies, but gets trapped!

Blue Mage: ATTACK!
Mr. Incredible: Dash! Look out! You've got to be more careful. You ran right into that group of Creeps. If I hadn't been there...
Dash:...sorry Dad.
Mr. Incredible: It's okay. Just remember to look ahead before you rush in!

Episode 5: Fools Rush In
Mr. Incredible decides to turn Dash's error into a teaching moment and the two head out to do some stealth work.

Mr. Incredible coaches Dash on how to quickly run in and then away again to see what's up ahead.

Dash is a fast learner, and is reporting back enemy numbers and locations in no time.

Dash tells his dad the location of a Brute in the area. Mr. Incredible throws a dumpster over the building and take him out.

For his last lesson, Mr. Incredible shows his son how to flank a group of enemies and take hem by surprise.

Dash: Was that better, Dad?
Mr. Incredible: You bet! You were downright stealthy there, Dash. Well done!
Dash: Cool! What's my next lesson? Can I learn it now?! Huh? Huh?
Mr. Incredible: Heh-heh. Okay, okay! Calm down...Let's work on your fighting stance.

Episode 6: Stand Strong
Mr. Incredible shows his son a few stances to match his new boxing moves.

After some practice sparring, the two decide to test his stance in the field.

At first, the Creeps are able to knock Dash over with ease.

Dash keeps practicing his stance.

Success! Dash blocks a knock-back with his wider stance.

Mr. Incredible: You see how much harder it is to knock you off balance now, Dash?
Dash: Yeah. It took me awhile to get used to it, but now I feel way more grounded!

Episode 7: Final Test
Mr. Incredible decides to test Dash's new knowledge with a series of tests.

First, the duo stealthily flanks a group of Brutes.

In the second test, Mr. Incredible challenges Dash to get punchy.

Next, Mr. Incredible has Dash change his stance with each attack.

In the final test, Mr. Incredible suggests Dash to use all of his new skills.

Mr. Incredible: Okay, Dash, now that you know a few of my tricks, we should be able to take these Creeps down no problem.
Dash: You sure I'm ready for this, Dad? That seems like a big group to take on.
Mr. Incredible: Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time. You got this, son!

Episode 8: Homework
Father and son head home after a long day of training.

The Creeps that the two had been using as "training dummies" have followed them home!

The two work together using Dash's new skills to take down the bad guys.

Mr. Incredible shoves some Creeps into Dash, and they don't knock him over thanks to his new stance.

Dash rushes in and punches a Creep before they get the best of Mr. Incredible. The two high-five as he runs back.

Mr. Incredible: Dash, that was amazing! I'm so proud of you.
Dash: Thanks, Dad! This was "super" fun.
Mr. Incredible: C'mon, let's go home. Your mother is gonna want to hear about your acts of derring-do.
Dash: Heh heh. Yeah! Last one home's a rotten villain!

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