All's Fair

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Friendship: EVE and Calhoun
Disk: Gift From The Heart
Disk Function: EVE Spreads Disables
Secondary Heroes: Dash, Woody, Mr. Incredible

EVE: Directive?
Calhoun: Are you lookin' for a mission, Big Egg?
EVE: Directive!
Calhoun: Great! You can join me on patrol!

Episode 1: Robot's Quarrel
Sergeant Calhoun is on her nightly patrol, when she notices WALL-E and EVE up ahead. As she approaches, she sees WALL-E sigh and leave.

EVE looks distraught and vents her frustration on some nearby shipping containers. The noise attracts nearby Creeps.

Calhoun teams up with EVE to fight the oncoming enemies. The air is singed with laser blasts.

Calhoun yells as she blasts some Cy-Bugs into oblivion.

EVE flies around the battlefield, taking down baddies.

Calhoun: Well done, ya big egg! We made those Creeps wanna run back to their viral dens of villainy.
EVE: Directive.
Calhoun: You said it. Hey, before the ruckus, you seemed to be taking your frustration out on those innocent shipping containers. What's the problem?
Calhoun: Trouble in paradise, huh? I've been there. Whaddaya say we blow off some steam on these baddies, while you debrief me on the details?

Episode 2: Labor of Love
It takes several minutes of questions and a bit of guesswork, but Calhoun finally figures out what is bothering EVE.

WALL-E is looking for something from EVE. She keeps bringing him presents for his collection, but that doesn't seem to be what he wants.

Calhoun is determined to help out her new battle buddy.

The two continue on their patrol and try to come up with ideas.

By the end of the night, the duo is still stumped.

EVE: Directive?
Calhoun: Sorry your Eggness, but I've come up with a whole lot of sweet nothing. Got any bright ideas in that LED display?
EVE: *sigh* WALL-E...

Episode 3: Misery Loves Company
Calhoun finds out that there's a Romance Film Festival in the Theater District. Maybe the two can get ideas there!

The first film is about a shy girl that gets noticed by the star quarterback. He gives her a makeover and asks her to prom.

The two get kicked out of the theater, after Calhoun stands up and starts ranting at the screen.

The rant continues, as Calhoun vents her frustration on some nearby Creeps.

After she finally calms down, the two decide that romantic comedies may not be the best example to follow.

Calhoun: Looks like the romantic cinema is not the agent of insight we'd hoped for. How does anyone stomach that saccharine pile of puerile platitudes?
EVE: *giggles*
Calhoun: I think we need a different strategy. Time to get inside the head of your amorous little rust bucket.
Calhoun: You got it, big egg. How do you feel about a reconnaissance mission?

Episode 4: Head Over Wheels
Calhoun proposes that they follow WALL-E to gather intelligence.

In the Warehouse DIstrict, the two get lost in the maze looking for WALL-E's shipping container.

The pair are about to give up when they hear music coming from a container nearby.

The duo peek into the container to see a wide-eyed WALL-E, hands clasped, watching two people singing to one another.

Calhoun suddenly gets an idea!

Calhoun: I've got it! Your man loves a musical, so we'll give him a song and dance he won't ever forget.
EVE: Huh?
Calhoun: Trust me. I know a few folks who can show you how to two-step right back into his heart.

Episode 5: Face the Music
Calhoun leads EVE uptown towards her home.

As the two clear out Creeps along the way, Calhoun tells EVE about her plan.

EVE gives Calhoun a slightly skeptical look, as Calhoun describes what she has in mind.

EVE tries to show Calhoun that she already knows how to dance...but Calhoun is determined.

Calhoun blasts a few more Creeps before dragging a reluctant EVE to her home.

Calhoun: Hey, short stack! Big Egg thinks that swaying back and forth equals dancing. Think you can show her a few moves?
Felix: Well, bless my buttons! I'd love to.
EVE: Directive?

Episode 6: Shall We?
After a few hours of practice, Felix declares that EVE is a natural!

Calhoun takes EVE to City Center to try out her new dance moves.

Calhoun: How would you and the rust bucket feel about a double-date?
Calhoun: Pint-size and I are going out dancing tomorrow. Be at Club Powerline at 19:00 sharp.

EVE and Calhoun wow the dance floor at Club Powerline...until some Creeps decide to crash the party.

A Cy-Bug explodes above Calhoun's head, as EVE zaps it with her laser.

Calhoun tosses a grenade into a group of Crutes as EVE whizzes by her.

Calhoun: Phew. Things were heating up on that dance floor even before those viral villains changed the beat.
Calhoun: Yeah, let's show that cute little rust bucket your new moves.

Episode 7: Shipping
Calhoun and EVE head back to WALL-E's shipping container.

WALL-E doesn't seem to be home. Concerned, EVE goes to look for him.

Calhoun hurries, trying her best to keep up with EVE.

The two start to grow worried. WALL-E can't be found at any of his usual spots.

EVE starts shouting for WALL-E, rushing between stacks of shipping containers.

WALL-E: EVE-ah!!
Calhoun: Hey, rust bucket, you had us worried.
Calhoun: Big Egg here has been cooking up somethin' special for you. Go ahead, EVE, show him you new moves.

Episode 8: Flight of Fancy
WALL-E claps in delight when EVE dances for him. Then, he gets an idea and rushes off.

Calhoun and EVE have trouble keeping up with WALL-E, as he zooms around the Warehouse District.

WALL-E keeps throwing random items into his cooler--some wire, a lightbulb, a few old cds...

EVE and Calhoun follow WALL-E back to his shipping container. He rushes in and closes the door behind him, indicating that they should wait.

WALL-E emerges with two bouquets of "flowers" made from objects he found. One for EVE, and one for Calhoun.

WALL-E: Ta-dah!
Calhoun: Looks like he liked your dance, EVE.
WALL-E: EVE-ah!!
Calhoun: I think I'll leave you two lovebirds and take off for my own nest. Take care, Egg.
EVE: Directive?
Calhoun: Don't worry, we'll keep up our patrols. I wouldn't miss 'em.

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