Mum's the Word

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Friendship: Elastigirl and Vanellope
Disk: Tough Cookie
Disk Function: "Iron Fist" skill hits backline enemies
Secondary Heroes: Yax, Ralph, Nick

Elastigirl: I'm proud of you, Vanellope. Gotta say, you surprised me. You're quite the little fighter.
Vanellope: I SURPRISED you?! What's that supposed to mean?!
Elastigirl: Nothing! It's just...I'm a mom. It's my job to worry about kids, but you seem to really know how to handle yourself.

Episode 1: Danger's My Middle Name
Elastigirl: What is a little girl like you doing out here on your own? This City is far too dangerous for a child alone.
Vanellope: Ha! You want dangerous? I'll show you dangerous, lady.

Elastigirl tries to stop Vanellope as she rushes towards a group of Creeps.

Vanellope hits the next wave with a giant soda blast.

Elastigirl slips in the soda, and Vanellope glitches in to catch her.

There's a Creep right behind Vanellope! Elastigirl stretches ahead to help.

Our heroes are surrounded! Vanellope's lollipop slams scatters the Creeps.

Elastigirl: What we need is proper reinforcements. Now just wait here for one moment while I call in support.
Vanellope: No way, I got Creeps to catch! Smell ya later, lady.

Episode 2: Lollipop Slammer
Vanellope's soda gun is jammed! Elastigirl fights Creeps while she fixes it.

Elastigirl cuts a swath through the Creeps with a massive karate chop.

Elastigirl asks Vanellope if she is okay. Vanellope rolls her eyes.

Vanellope opens a utility door, and Creeps come pouring out!

Elastigirl rushes to battle while Vanellope lays down a cover of soda spray.

Vanellope: See! I don't need a babysitter. So...buh-bye!
Elastigirl: Alright, I admit you handled yourself nicely out there, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let an unattended child wander off by herself.
Vanellope: Okay, fine. I'll let you watch over me. If you can catch up!

Episode 3: Catch Me If You Can
Vanellope dashes away, "Taste my candy coated dust, lady!".

Elastigirl follows close behind, matching Vanellope step for step.

Vanellope heads around a corner, only to rush headlong into a Creep!

Vanellope believes she has gained the lead, but Elastigirl is close behind.

Vanellope stops long enough for Elastigirl to wipe some soda off her face.

Vanellope: No way! How do you keep catching me? You're...old!
Elastigirl: I have a son with super speed. I'm used to chasing after children who they they can get past me.

Episode 4: Common Ground
Vanellope begrudgingly admits that Elastigirl is pretty fast.

Elastigirl admits she is impressed by Vanellope's lollipop slam.

Elastigirl stretches to block a Creep while Vanellope hits them with soda.

Vanellope glitches in front of Elastigirl, blocking an attack.

The two take a quick high-five break before diving back into the fray.

Vanellope: Whoa, that was crazy! I can't believe you stretch like taffy!
Elastigirl: And you...what was that lollipop thing you did? Is it some kind of teleportation power?
Vanellope: Nah, that's just my glitch. Which, I guess, is kinda like a superpower.

Episode 5: Home Away From Home
Elastigirl: Let me get this come from a world where everything is made of candy?

Elastigirl asks Vanellope to tell her more about her life in "Sugar Rush".

Vanellope enthusiastically recounts her best races and her awesome kart.

Elastigirl delves deeper, asking her about her friends and family.

Vanellope talks about her adventures with her best pal, Ralph.

"What about family?", Elastigirl asks, before a Creep rudely interrupts their conversation.

Elastigirl: So, young lady. I have to ask—where are your parents? Are they okay with you running around like this?
Vanellope: Parents? Aw, I don't have any. None of us racers do. [sees a Creep coming towards them] Hold that thought, I see one of those corrupted Creeps now. [releases a blast of diet cola] Ha! Have some diet cola!

Episode 6: Pressing Family Matters
Elastigirl jumps in to assist Vanellope.

The Creeps keep coming as our heroes work together to subdue them.

As Elastigirl watches Vanellope fight, her face becomes increasingly concerned.

Vanellope is surrounded! Elastigirl jumps in to help, fists flying.

Our heroes work together to subdue wave after wave of Creeps.

Elastigirl: I understand that you don't have parents. But who takes care of you—makes your breakfast, tucks you in at night...
Vanellope: Nobody. I eat sugar for breakfast every day, and I tuck MYSELF in at night under my candy wrappers.
Elastigirl: Well, that—that is just unacceptable. You're coming home with me!

Episode 7: Mommy Nearest
Vanellope, alarmed, runs off ahead. Elastigirl follows in close pursuit.

"I've already got a home! And Ralph is my family!", Vanellope tells as the two fight oncoming Creeps.

Elastigirl tries to wrap herself around Vanellope to get her to stop and talk, but she slips free.

Vanellope rushes headlong into a group of Creeps in her attempt to escape.

Elastigirl corners Vanellope, telling her that they need to talk.

Vanellope: Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I don't need a mom. I've got my game, Ralph, and my ADORABLE personality. I have it made!
Elastigirl: I'm sorry, but a child needs adult supervision. I'll bring you to my house, make some phone calls, and we'll figure this out.

Episode 8: Dragging Race
Elastigirl attempts to drag Vanellope to her house.

Vanellope escapes and runs off. Elastigirl follows.

Elastigirl fights off the Creeps that have surrounded Vanellope.

Vanellope agrees to talk more with Elastigirl if she stops trying to bring her home.

Elastigirl tries to find a Creep-free area for them to talk.

Vanellope: Look, you seem like a great mom and I'm sure your kids are really lucky, but I like being on my own.
Elastigirl: Okay, what if we just hang out together like a mentor, mentee thing?
Vanellope: Not sure what a mentee is, but if it's like being minty, I'm in! Shake on it, friend?
Elastigirl: Friend, huh? Something tells me that's about as much of a compromise as I'm gonna get. All right. I'll shake on it, friend.

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