A Patrol to Remember

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Friendship: Calhoun and Felix(actually a couple)
Disk: Power of Love
Disk Function: Grants Energy on Enemy Defeat
Secondary Heroes: Frozone, Chief Bogo, Mr. Incredible

Calhoun: Looks like we've stepped into another sticky situation, short-stack.
Felix: Those Creeps sure have made a mess of this place! But there's no one I'd rather be on an adventure with than you, dearest.

Episode 1: Date Night
Calhoun and Felix start to head home after a long day of fighting Creeps.

Felix gets cornered by a group of Creeps and Calhoun leaps in to rescue him!

The Creeps retreat from Calhoun's blazing blaster. Yelling, she follows in pursuit.

Felix can barely keep up as Calhoun continues to pursue her quarry.

Felix fixes Calhoun's armor as the two prepare for the next wave.

Calhoun: Get ready for the next wave, short-stack!
Felix: I don't know if I'm cut out for this, darlin'.
Calhoun: No better time than the present to find out.

Episode 2: Target Practice
Felix faithfully follows as Calhoun heads off on patrol.

A Creep jumps onto Calhoun from above! Felix gets the Nicelanders to cart it away.

The two rest after a particularly tough wave. Felix gives Calhoun a quick peck on the cheek.

Calhoun helps Felix back up on his feet after getting knocked down by a Brute.

A brief lull in action is broken by a grumbly from Felix's tumbly.

Felix: You know, darling, I'm a bit peckish. Would you care to grab a bite?
Calhoun: Here, eat this.
Felix: What in the jiminey jaminey is this? It tastes like chalk.
Calhoun: Field rations! Never go anywhere without them.
Felix: Well, that's very...prepared. But I was thinking we could head to that dreamy rooftop restaurant.
Calhoun: All right. But, there's about twenty bad guys between us and that roof. Stay alert!

Episode 3: Takeout Takedown
The two head towards Remy's for a bite to eat.

Ninjas run from the rooftops across the street, and somehow leap across to block the path!

Felix starts listing off the food he's going to order course by mouthwatering course.

Delicious food smells catch the breeze and full our heroes' nostrils, motivating them to keep moving.

Felix spots the restaurant and starts to run...straight into a pack of Creeps.

Felix: Oh my LAND! Would you look at that sunset? It takes my breath away...
Calhoun: We're knee down in virus vomit and you're waxing on and off about the sunset?
Felix: Well...yes.
Calhoun: Fine. I promised you a meal, and we'll get it—AFTER we take care of these malfunctioning monstrosities.

Episode 4: Dinner Date
Remy greets our heroes with sad news: the restaurant's closed because it's been invaded by Creeps!

Felix and Calhoun start to clear the Creeps out of the kitchen.

A grumble and a crash come from the back...Creeps have gotten into the garbage!

Calhoun smirks as she clears the dining area of enemies.

Remy starts cooking while Calhoun and Felix clear out the last Creeps in the area.

Calhoun: That was a great meal, but my sweet tooth has got a serious itch to scratch.
Felix: Well cupcake, lucky for you, I made cupcakes this morning. They're waiting for us at home. Shall we?
Calhoun: Absolutely. But hold on to your hammer. From here to home, we have to cut a path through Creepsville. Population: Danger.
Felix: *sigh*...Well, at least we'll work up an appetite!

Episode 5: Evening Stroll
Calhoun leads the way as the two head home.

Calhoun blasts a Creep that attempts to ambush Felix as he stops to pick a flower.

The two are about halfway home when they find the way blocked by a large group of Creeps.

Calhoun blasts her way through the horde, while Felix keeps his lovely lady at full health.

The two take a deep breath before taking on the last of the oncoming enemy.

Felix: Phew! That was a mighty big horde, honey, but we got through it!
Calhoun: That's right. We make a great team, short-stack. With you fixing behind me, we cut through that swath like a hot knife through butterflies.

Episode 6: Rude Interlude
Felix ducks as Calhoun blasts some Creeps behind him.

Calhoun takes a break to give Felix a quick kiss. His honey glow blinds the oncoming enemy.

Calhoun and Felix take turns naming their favorite sweets as they take down one Creep after another.

It's slow going, but our heroes starts to see the number of Creeps thin out.

The two take a deep breath and get ready for the next wave of enemies.

Felix: My word, my tummy's rumbling again. Those cupcakes are gonna taste mighty good!
Calhoun: What kind did you make?
Felix: Pistachio for you, and vanilla for me!
Calhoun: Aww, pint-size, you remembered!
Felix: Of course I did! How could I forget that you love a cake "as green as the blood of your enemies"?

Episode 7: Homeward Bounding
Felix gets a spring in his step when he realizes how close they are to home.

Felix's good mood falters when he sees their neighborhood filled with Creeps.

Calhoun shields Felix from the blast as she throws a grenade into a cluster of Creeps.

Felix heals a cut above Calhoun's eyebrow and kisses it better.

Calhoun picks Felix up and dusts him off after a particularly tough fight.

Calhoun: Hang in there. Only a few more blocks to go and we're home.
Felix: Jiminey jaminey! How many more bad guys can there be?
Calhoun: Just stay behind me, babe. I'd never let anything happen to you.

Episode 8: Where the Heart Is
Calhoun leads the final charge towards home.

Felix follows closely behind, talking excitedly about cupcakes.

Felix starts dancing with excitement when he realizes how close the two are to home.

The two team up to take down a group of Creeps blocking their way.

The Creeps are almost cleared! The two cheer before taking on the final wave.

Felix: Thank you, my beloved. This has been a wonderful evening, even with the violent interruptions.
Calhoun: Well, you sure know how to make a girl feel special, Fix-It. You can watch my back anytime.
Felix: Oh, you can bet I'll make sure every polygon is safe!
Calhoun: Love ya, pint-size. Now, let's go home.

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