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Friendship: Violet and Merida
Disk: Investigative Journalism
Disk Function: Increased Shield Length and HP
Secondary Heroes: Quorra, Maui, Ralph

Merida: Violet, how did you ever get your mum to agree to that outfit?
Violet: She gave it to me, actually.
Merida: Och, you're so lucky! My mum never lets me leave the castle unless I'm dressed, "as a proper princess".
Violet: Well, my mom's strict in other ways. For a really long time, she would freak out if I used my powers where anyone might see me.

Episode 1: On the Beat
Violet takes her editor role for the school newspaper very seriously. She asks Merida to help her on a piece she's writing.

The Midway is becoming known for having rigged games, particularly the ones that give out tickets.

Merida's accuracy with her bow is renowned in the City, and if anyone can test the fairness of these games, it's her.

Merida is happy to help. She loves a skill challenge.

The two get ready to head down to the Midway to start their investigation.

Violet: Thanks for agreeing to test the Midway games with me, Merida. If our theory is right, this will be a front page story for the paper.
Merida: I've never played a Midway game before, but it can't be that different from the archery contests we have between the clans.

Episode 2: Midway Madness
As the two make their way through the Midway, Violet explains the games to Merida.

Violet starts to wonder if this was a good idea. But when she sees Merida take out three Mages with one arrow, she knows it'll be alright.

Merida is sure her archery accuracy will translate to some of the skill games at the Midway.

They first head to the water gun game. Merida tries it several times, but can't seem to win it.

Next up is the ring toss. Merida hits the bottles, but never manages to get a ring around any of them.

Merida: OCH! This is so frustrating. I can't believe I lost every one!
Violet: Do you think that the owners are cheating?
Merida: I can't tell for sure yet. We'll have to try a few others to be certain.

Episode 3: Is It Rigged?
Violet points out a few more games for Merida to try.

Merida's shouts of frustration echo across the Midway as she loses one skill game after another.

While Merida tries more games, Violet uses her invisibility to search the stalls for clues.

During her investigation, Violet discovers that all of the games seem to be owned by the same company.

After trying and losing every game, Merida is ready to report back to Violet.

Violet: So, what do you think? Are the games rigged?
Merida: If I had won just one game, then maybe I wouldn't be so sure about this. But aye, I think they are.
Violet: Well, now that we have a solid hypothesis, we need to find some hard evidence. These games are all owned by a company called...Jolly Roger's.
Merida: I suppose that's as good a place as any to start. Come on!

Episode 4: Jolly Roger's
After a few inquiries, the duo discovers that Jolly Roger's is headquartered near the Docks.

The Docks are crawling with enemies! The girls getting ready to clear them out so they can find Jolly Roger's.

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