The Code

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Friendship: Hector Barbossa and Tia Dalma
Disk: Hold Court
Disk Function: Study At Combat Start
Secondary Heroes: Mike Wazowski, Quorra, Kevin Flynn

Barbossa: I'm mighty grateful for your help with procuring this fine vessel, my dear.
Tia Dalma: You're welcome. But I suspect that ya still have your eye on the Black Pearl, don't ya?
Barbossa: Aye, that I do.
Tia Dalma: You know what they say, "Don't go wanting what's not been meant to be yours."
Barbossa: I can't say as I'm on board with that particular turn of phrase, bein' a pirate and all.

Episode 1: Creepy Smugglers
As more people and creatures arrive in the City, it becomes harder and harder for Barbossa to enforce the Pirate Code on his own.

He finds some Creeps attempting to smuggle in his territory. When he tries to fight them, they capture him and refuse the right of Parlay.

Luckily, Tia Dalma appears and intervenes.

She raises dead Creeps and has them fight against their former allies.

After the battle, Barbossa turns to Tia Dalma.

Barbossa: I be needin' your aid. To form a Court, as it were. One that can keep these beasts under control.
Tia Dalma: A Court? And why would I be helpin' ya with that?
Barbossa: Pirates keepin' to the Code be in all our best interests, especially for an entrepreneur such as yourself. So, have we deal?

Episode 2: The Fox
Tia Dalma agrees to help Barbossa form the Court, but they'll have to find worthy pirate leaders.

Barbossa believes he can find them as long as the term "pirate" is used liberally.

Barbossa heads to the Black Market to inquire about Duke Weaselton's supplier of pirated goods.

Weaselton tells Barbossa that all of his goods "fell out of a van."

Barbossa thinks he knows what that means.

Finnick: You want me to what the what?
Barbossa: I want you to join me in a confederation of pirates, vowed to keep to—
Finnick: I'm gonna stop you right there. I'm not really much of a "joiner."
Barbossa: There be treasure involved.
Finnick: Where do I sign up?

Episode 3: The Sheriff
Tia Dalma focuses less on the "pirate" angle and more on the "leader" angle.

For her candidate, she seeks someone with proven leadership skills.

She finds Sheriff Woody in battle with the Creeps.

Woody is shocked to see a spectral skull fly through the air and destroy his foes.

Tia Dalma explains about the Court.

Woody: So these...pirate leaders....they help keep things orderly?
Tia Dalma: Aye, that be it exactly.
Woody: Well, I'm all for law and order, ma'am. I'd be happy to join your posse.

Episode 4: The Princess
The next potential leader approaches Barbossa.

Barbossa hears a tale of a great warrior in the forest.

He goes to find the warrior, but is set upon by Creeps.

He fights and fights, but swordplay alone isn't enough.

Soon, he sees arrow after arrow strike his foes. Merida appears.

Merida: What business do ye have with Clan Dunbroch?
Barbossa: I be lookin' for a great defender sworn to protect a Code of legend.
Merida: As you can see, I'm quite good at defendin' with my bow. And I've come to learn the value of legends. I'd be happy to join ya.

Episode 5: The Wizard
Tia Dalma searches for someone with great power.

They will need a talented wizard if they wish to stand up against the Creeps.

Tia Dalma hears of a man who seems all powerful and is intrigued.

Tia Dalma watches Kevin Flynn in battle. He leans down and touches the ground. A pulse of white energy emits from his hand.

Tia Dalma approaches. This is the wizard they need.

Kevin: Hello, Tia Dalma. What brings you to my neck of the woods?
Tia Dalma: That be the rub. I sense that this whole place be "your neck of the woods."
Kevin: Yes, I imagine a digital landscape would be hard to navigate for an 18th century pirate and mystic.
Barbossa: I take great offense at that, sir. I've never sailed a sea I couldn't navigate and this be naught but a sea beset by oddities and monsters.
Kevin: I'm just kiddin' around. Of course I'll help. What do you need?

Episode 6: The Sweetie
With Kevin Flynn, they now have 5 of the pirate leaders that they need, including Barbossa.

As a proper Court requires 9, they'll have to recruit 4 more.

Flynn suggests they recruit Vanellope, and Merida backs him up.

Barbossa is hesitant to recruit a child, but he is convinced when he sees her in battle.

Not only does Vanellope seem to have a grip on the whole "digital landscape," but she's tough and inventive.

Barbossa: What say ye to joining our coalition, lass? You'd be the youngest member of any pirate Court in history.
Vanellope: I'll do it! But only if I can call you Captain Monkey Beard.
Barbossa: ...Why?
Vanellope: Because you're a Captain who has a monkey and a beard. Duh!

Episode 7: The Obvious Choice
After Barbossa agrees to acquiesce to Vanellope's odd request, they need only three.

Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann readily agree to join, but Barbossa is having a hard time thinking of a third.

Tia Dalma points out that he is leaving off an obvious choice.

Barbossa can't dispute the fact that Jack Sparrow is already a Pirate Lord, and thus a natural fit to join the Court.

Barbossa finds Jack aboard the Black Pearl

Jack Sparrow: Barbossa! And what can I do for you on this day that looks particularly unfavorable for a mutiny. Too overcast.
Barbossa: Aye, Jack. I'm not here for the Pearl. I'm here to convene Court to see to the Code in this here land.
Jack Sparrow: A Court! You don't say! did say. But shouldn't have said. Some things are best left on distant shores.
Tia Dalma: Jack, I know the blood be bad between you and Barbossa, but our destinies be short if we don't learn to work together here.

Episode 8: The King
Tia Dalma convinces Jack Sparrow to join, and the First Court of the City is called.

The first thing they do is collect everyone's "pieces of eight."

The items include such various oddities as an empty holster, a sticky mint, and a broken arrow.

Next, they vote on a pirate king. While most everyone votes for themselves, Flynn surprises everyone by voting for Merida.

Merida decides to take the title of Laird, instead, and declares war on the Creeps.

Tia Dalma: Did that not turn out quite like ya expected, Barbossa?
Barbossa: No, not quite.
Tia Dalma: But we still be safer, no?
Barbossa: Aye, we'll live to pilfer, purloin, and plunder at least another day.
Tia Dalma: Ya have interesting priorities, you do.
Barbossa: Just that of a pirate, my dear.

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