Stranger Shores

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Friendship: Jack Sparrow and Barbossa
Disk: Pirated Music
Disk Function: Increases Max HP, "Avast!" Heals
Secondary Heroes: Rex, EVE, WALL-E

Jack Sparrow: And what skullduggery are you and your crew engaging in tonight, pray tell?
Barbossa: I assure ye, I have nothing but the most honorable intentions. When will you learn to trust me, Jack?
Jack Sparrow: Let me put it this way: The day I trust you is the day I no longer yearn for the feel of wind in my sails and I take my eye off the horizon.
Barbossa: So...never then.

Episode 1: Even Stranger Shores
Ever since Barbossa found himself washed up on these strange shores, he's been making the most of it.

The ocean seems to span in every direction, and aside from Jack Sparrow, he's the only one with a ship.

Barbossa's been chartering folks from all walks of life in exchange for coin and information.

When he gets information that someone else has been smuggling goods into HIS port, he decides to take matters into his own hands.

To remedy the situation, Barbossa turns to an unlikely ally.

Barbossa: Ye see what I mean, Jack? These new scaliwags know nothin' of the Pirate Code!
Jack Sparrow: Indeed. Seems we'll need to remedy this situation. Perhaps a Parlay?
Barbossa: Don't ye be shoutin' Parlay just yet, Jack. Let's gather a bit more information.

Episode 2: Dreadful Dinghy
Barbossa takes Jack Sparrow to the far end of the docks.

They find a run down boat that appears to be nothing more than a couple of shipping containers tied together.

They board to investigate, but are set on by Creeps.

Barbossa swash-buckles them away in style, while Jack guards their retreat.

They explore the ship and find a bunch of small boxes, with round silver circles inside.

Jack Sparrow: They appear to be using this odd ship to import some sort of odd treasure. How odd...
Barbossa: We must be showin' these new bilge rats that they'd best beware of triflin' with the likes of you and I, eh Jack?
Jack Sparrow: Well, I suppose I'd rather conspire with you, than forge into uncharted waters with these new blokes. They'll be seeking new ground, soon enough. After all, I AM Captain Jack Sparrow.

Episode 3: A Little Finnicky
Jack Sparrow and Barbossa camp out overnight at the Port aboard the odd ship.

Several Creeps sneak up on them in the dark of the night.

Luckily, Jack has the Black Pearl (and her cannons) on alert.

The noise draws out Finnick, who drives up in his van.

Finnick asks the pirates what they are doing on "his ship."

Jack Sparrow: So this is your..I'm sorry, but I cannot bring myself to call this vessel a ship. This is your...craft?
Finnick: Yeah, it is, and I suggest you back away slowly before you find out why pirates are always wearin' eyepatches.
Barbossa: Well, IF this be your vessel and IF you be bringin' in contraband, then you be in violation of the Pirate Code.
Finnick: What the what now?

Episode 4: The Code
Barbossa explains that it's against the Code to smuggle goods into another pirate's territory.

Finnick thinks it's silly that pirates have a code. If they are really against authority, shouldn't it be every swashbuckler for himself?

As Barbossa explains the history of the Code, Finnick falls asleep.

At the end of the conversation, Finnick decides the whole thing is more trouble than it's worth.

The little fox walks away saying, "Duke Weaselton ain't payin' me enough to deal with this."

Barbossa: So, this conspiracy goes all the way up to a duke? What a pleasant surprise. I'd no idea there was nobility hereabout.
Jack Sparrow: I suspect you're about to be sorely disappointed.

Episode 5: Weasley Guts
Jack Sparrow and Barbossa travel to the Black Market district to find Duke Weaselton.

Unfortunately, the Black Market has become a bit of a Creep haven lately. 

Jack and Barbossa have to fight their way through an entire horde.

Barbossa taunts a Creep, getting him to come closer, and Jack takes him out with his pistol.

They finally arrive at Weaselton's booth.

Jack Sparrow: The weasel seems to have skedaddled, but he's left behind a few trinkets.
Barbossa: These bear a remarkable resemblance to the ones we saw on the raft.
Jack Sparrow: Aye. Now, we just have to locate said weasel. Hmm...If I were a weasel, where would I hide?
Barbossa: That should be easy for ye to answer, Jack, seein' as how you're a weasel through and through.

Episode 6: The Least Expected Place
Jack Sparrow thinks about where he would hide if he were on the run.

Jack would hide in the least expected place, which is the most expected place, because who would ever look in the most expected place?

The most expected place for Duke Weaselton would be Bad-Anon, since Ralph recently recruited him, and the weekly meeting is right now.

On the way to Bad-Anon, Barbossa and Jack encounter their fair share of Creeps.

They take care of them adeptly. Barbossa is impressed with Jack's skill.

Barbossa: I must say, Jack, you aim with that pistol be improvin'.
Jack Sparrow: Improving?
Barbossa: Aye...
Jack Sparrow: Back on Isla de Muerta, I was good enough to defeat you with but one shot. If I'm improving further, I dare say, I must be nigh perfect.

Episode 7: Busting Bad-Anon
Jack Sparrow and Barbossa bust into Bad-Anon and find Duke Weaselton.

Weaselton confesses to everything, but claims that Zurg made him sell the DVDs as part of some "master plan."

Zurg is suspiciously absent from Bad-Anon. Jack and Barbossa make their way to his lair.

On the way, they discuss what these "DVD" treasures must be. Are they magical? Made of some rare material?

They settle on some sort of magic when they arrive at Zurg's lair.

Zurg: HUMANS! How DARE you trespass in my SECRET lair?
Barbossa: We be here because we hear you be the one doin' the trespassin'. Transporting goods through our Port is in violation of the Pirate Code.
Jack Sparrow: If you wish to continue transporting your shiny objects, you'll have to work with us, savvy?
Zurg: Work with you...hmmm. What are your TERMS, humans?

Episode 8: The Terms
Barbossa tells Zurg that if he wishes to import these pirated "DVDs", he'll have to hire legitimate pirates, not a "dog on a raft."

Zurg, who happens to have a surprisingly large surplus of gold, agrees to the terms.

Before they sign the contract, Jack Sparrow adds one more stipulation to the terms.

Jack wants to know why Zurg wants the DVDs.

Zurg explains that they are a documentation of his exploits, and he wants to track down the creator.

Zurg: These SO-CALLED "television episodes" are known as "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command." I have determined their goal is to HUMILIATE me. I wish for you two humans to get me every copy inexistence, so I may DESTROY them! Bwah ha ha!
Jack Sparrow: As long as you keep providing us with gold, we'll get you whatever your odd little heart desires, mate.
Barbossa: Now, if you wouldn't mind signing on the dotted line?
Zurg: I can't. My fingers are shaped so that they only hold a blaster. You insolent FOOLS!
Jack Sparrow: Care to shake on it then?

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