The Only Thing To Fear

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Friendship: Jessie and Judy
Disk: Boot Scoot
Disk Function: Chance to Dodge
Secondary Heroes: Finnick, Chief Bogo, Jack-Jack

Jessie: Don't look now, but I see some of those low down, rotten Creeps across the street.
Judy: Okay, you ready to "kick it up" a notch?
Jessie: Always!

Episode 1: Hop To It!
Jessie is excited to meet up with Bullseye for their morning patrol.

Jessie becomes very concerned when she can't find her pal in the stables.

Looking around the stables, it seems like there are signs of a struggle.

Jessie heads to the police station, but is assaulted by Creeps on the way.

Luckily, Officer Hopps arrives on the scene to lend a paw.

Jessie: Officer Hopps! Whoo-eee! It's a good thing you're here.
Judy: Yeah, those Creeps can be hard to handle by yourself.
Jessie: No! I mean--thank you--but that's not it. It's my friend, Bullseye. He's missing!
Judy: A missing mammal, huh? Sounds like a job for the ZPD. Let's stop by the station and see if anyone's heard anything.

Episode 2: ZPD Blues
Jessie and Judy head Downtown where they run into another horde of Creeps.

Judy tries to play dead, but a Creep catches on to her act.

Jessie distracts the Creep, while Judy escapes.

Judy sneaks up from behind the Creep and kicks it in the head. It derezzed! The others run in fear.

They arrive at the police station and notice that Clawhauser is not at his desk.

Judy: Wonder where Clawhauser went?
Jessie: By the looks of that powdered sugar on his desk, I'm guessing a donut run.
Judy: No, there are claw marks on the desk, too. He didn't leave here by choice.
Jessie: This kidnapper is nappin' folks from the police station now? They must be bolder than I thought.
Judy: Look, there are claw marks on the door frame as well. If we follow them, we might find out where those Creeps went with Clawhauser.

Episode 3: Follow the Claws
Judy and Jessie start tracking the claw marks. The trail leads them to the Subway Station.

As they descend down the stairway, they find a larger than normal horde of Creeps.

One of them is holding Vanellope's friend, Crumbelina DiCaramello!

Judy tries to kickbox the Creep, while Jessie tries to rescue Crumbelina.

The Creep escapes with Crumbelina by running down the tunnel.

Judy: Follow that Creep!
Jessie: You mean down that dark confining tunnel?
Judy: Yes. Is that a problem?
Jessie: Nope! Jessie never gives up. Jessie always finds a way!

Episode 4: The Darkness
Jessie and Judy duke it out of the tunnel and find themselves in the Fashion District station.

There's no sign of Crumbelina, but they see another Creep kidnapping Edna Mode.

While Edna criticizes the Creep's outfit, Jessie yodels a battle cry.

Judy karate kicks the Creep's hands so it drops Edna. 

Good news: Edna escapes. Bad news: So do the Creeps...down a smaller darker tunnel.

Jessie: Well, that's just great. This tunnel looks even smaller and darker than the last one...
Judy: Is that okay? Are you afraid of small, dark spaces? I can go in by myself.
Jessie: No, no. I'm alright. Jessie never gives up! Jessie always finds a way.

Episode 5: Boxed In
Jessie and Judy climb out of the second tunnel and pop up in the Black Market District.

A Creep has Duke Weaselton. He screams, "You'll never take me alive!"

A Creep shoots plasma at Weaselton's head and he screams, "Help me! They're gonna take me dead!"

Jessie tackles the Creep, and Weaselton makes his escape.

But the Creep opens up a trap door and descends into a very small, very dark hole.

Judy: Jessie, are you gonna be okay going in there?
Jessie: long as I'm not closed in, I...I'll be fine.
Judy: Uh, looks like the door automatically latches...
Jessie: Dagnabbit! I don't know if I can do this! I was trapped in a box for years, and I don't wanna relive that, but...I can't let Bullseye down.
Judy: Don't worry. Just hold my hand. I'll help you through it. What was that you said? "Jessie never gives up. Jessie..."
Jessie: Jessie always finds a way!

Episode 6: Loyal Pal
Jessie and Judy find themselves in an underground corridor with the door locked behind them.

Judy talks to Jessie until she can calm down.

If the Creeps made it through, there has to be a way out. Right?

Jessie finds a switch on the wall that triggers a slide.

They take the slide and wind up in a closed off, abandoned portion of the Black Market station.

Jessie: Look, it's Bullseye! Over there!
Judy: And Clawhauser!
Jessie: The Creeps are standin' over them whisperin' some kind of incantation. What are they sayin'?
Judy: "Purge the errors!" They must be trying to turn our friends into Creeps.
Jessie: Stand back! I am not gonna let that happen to any critter, let alone my loyal pal Bullseye.

Episode 7: Ride Like the Wind
Judy and Jessie kick their way through the crowd of Creeps.

Jessie yodels a distraction while Judy stuns the Creep who's holding Bullseye.

Jessie tells Bullseye to grab the others while she fights off the Creeps.

Bullseye grabs Crumbelina while Jessie and Judy free Clawhauser.

The heroes send their friends back to the surface, while they stick behind to deal with the Creeps.

Judy: I've gotta say, I'm really impressed with how you overcome your fear.
Jessie: Thanks, but we don't have time for congratulations right now. I've gotta show these folks what happens when you mess with Jessie.

Episode 8: Yee-haa!
Jessie teaches Judy a few of her favorite dance moves.

The two friends "kick up a row."

Their dangerous dance party dispatches with dozens of deadly Creeps.

Judy tries to "high five" Jessie, but the yarn-haired yodeler brings it in for a hug instead.

They make their way to the surface.

Judy: So, is now the time for congratulations?
Jessie: Sure! I gotta congratulate you on those swell dance moves. I haven't seen anyone who could hop like that in...well, ever.
Judy: Thanks! I had a good teacher.

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