Sounds Like Trouble!

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Friendship: WALL-E and Kevin
Disk: Legacy Hardware
Disk Function: More Team Energy Storage
Secondary Heroes: Jessie, Sulley and Boo, Quorra

Kevin: So WALL-E, I was wondering...
WALL-E: Hmm?
Kevin: You're a robot, right? So that means you must have some kind of AI programming.
WALL-E: Whoa!
Kevin: Yeah, whoa. Think it would be okay if I take a peek inside your code some time?
WALL-E: Ohh-kay...
Kevin: Thanks! And I promise it'll be no big deal.

Episode 1: Shopping Trip
Flynn and WALL-E venture Downtown, looking for a fabled computer store.

The alleys are crawling with Creeps! Flynn and WALL-E engage.

WALL-E finds a shortcut through an alleyway. The two make a break for it!

Flynn knows that the computer store he's looking for is nearby...he just needs to find it...

There! A sign that says "WADE'S WIRES." Almost there!

Kevin: Aw man, I hope they've got the parts. Space Paranoids is a classic game. You're gonna love it!
Kevin: We just need a joystick, some buttons, a coin slot cover, and...oh yeah, a sound chip!
WALL-E: Huh?
Kevin: Trust me, the music is worth admission alone.

Episode 2: What Did You Say?
The last battle was intense. Flynn checks on WALL-E to see if he was injured.

WALL-E tries to vocalize...but it comes out as only static!

Flynn diagnoses the problem as a damaged sound chip. They'll have to replace it.

Flynn and WALL-E search the computer store for any parts they can use.

Flynn finds a sound chip. Time to repair his robot pal!

Kevin: All right. Let's see if that sound chip did the trick...
Kevin: Yow! That's some serious volume, buddy! Can you dial it down a notch?

Episode 3: Impromptu Repairs
As Flynn tries to fix WALL-E's volume problem, a gang of Creeps attack outside of the store!

WALL-E finds a hubcap on the ground. Flynn tries to get him to throw it like a disc, but instead, he dances with it.

WALL-E startles the oncoming Creeps with his newly amplified voice.

Flynn laughs softly as WALL-E does a victory dance.

Between waves of Creeps, Flynn keeps making tweaks to WALL-E's audio system.

Kevin: That should do it. Try saying your name now.
WALL-E: *ahem* EVE-ah!..EVE-ah!?
Kevin: Not exactly YOUR name. least the volume's better.

Episode 4: On Your Mind
Flynn runs a diagnostic to figure out what's wrong with WALL-E's voice.

Flynn begins his diagnostic with a series of questions. But all WALL-E can respond with is "EVE-ah."

WALL-E's embarrassed. He understands what Flynn is asking, but he just can't reply correctly.

Flynn, on the other hand, is exuberant. He's deduced the problem!

It takes some time, but Flynn is able to fix the issue with WALL-E's speech processor.

Kevin: Don't worry, WALL-E. Look, it's just taking feedback from your emotional buffer unit. Easy fix. By the way, if you're saying her name, that means you must think about her a lot, huh?
WALL-E: EVE-ah...
Kevin: All right. A quick reboot and you should be good to go...

Episode 5: Reset
BING! WALL-E's eyes open as his system restarts. Did the fix work?

WALL-E tries to say the few words he looks like it worked!

Flynn and WALL-E's elation is cut short when Creeps bombard the store again.

This time, the two are able to communicate. The Creeps don't stand a chance!

Flynn and WALL-E repel the Creeps. Flynn invites WALL-E back to his garage.

WALL-E: Whoopee!
Kevin: Yep, the fix definitely worked! Come on, let's take these parts to my place.

Episode 6: Trash-Talking
The path back to Flynn's home is filled with Creeps. It's gonna be a hard fight to get there!

As they battle, Flynn spouts a clever taunt at a Creep. At least, WALL-E thinks it's clever.

WALL-E musters his wit and tries his hand at battle repartee himself!

The Creeps stop and stare, confused, at WALL-E's words. It's a critical opening!

Flynn and WALL-E defeat the Creeps. Flynn opens a hidden door, and they enter his garage...

Kevin: Welcome to my humble abode, kid.
WALL-E: Oooh.
Kevin: Come on, I've got something to show ya.

Episode 7: Flynn's Favorite Bit
Flynn takes WALL-E outside. He has a special surprise for his robot pal.

Flynn returns with a small floating polygon. "WALL-E, meet Bit.", he says.

Bit floats in the air. WALL-E holds out his hand to him as if to shake hands. Bit says, "NO.". WALL-E sighs.

Creeps try to grab Bit! Flynn and WALL-E jump in front to defend Bit.

Bit flies out of the way as the duo continues to battle. Eventually, they drive all the Creeps back.

WALL-E: Phew!
Bit: YES.
WALL-E: Whoah!
Bit: NO.
Kevin: *chuckles* You two are a real pair.

Episode 8: Press Start
Flynn assembles the arcade cabinet. Coin slot? Check. Buttons? Check. Joystick? Check!

Flynn sighs. WALL-E looks at him, confused. "We forgot the sound chip.", Flynn groans.

The two head back to the store to get the remaining supplies.

Flynn pushes a Ninja out of the microcontroller aisle. The Ninja jumps back and makes a huge mess!

After cleaning out the store, Flynn and WALL-E finally have what they need.

Kevin: All right, it's working! Dig that boot-up music, kid!
WALL-E: Whoah!
Kevin: And here, let's fire the laser...

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