Operation: Rescue

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Friendship: Calhoun and Violet
Disk: Another Castle
Disk Function: Shields Allies
Secondary Heroes: Vanellope, Finnick, Judy

Calhoun: So kid, have you thought about your future? How are you going to contribute to this crazy, chaotic world?
Violet: Well, I was thinking I might become a journalist. I've really liked working for my school paper. Or maybe radio...
Calhoun: What?! That's puppy dog play! You need to join the military, my friend. A roof over your head, three squares a day, a sense of purpose...
Violet: Okay...I'll take that into consideration.

Episode 1: Mission For Two
Calhoun has her sights set on a particularly nasty looking Creep...

Calhoun gets out her blaster and moves the setting from stun to kill.

Just as Calhoun aims, she sees Violet approaching.

The little girl ruins Calhoun's shot, but it looks like she's in a hurry.

Calhoun asks Violet what's going on and she explains...

Violet: Please move, ma'am! A boy's been kidnapped and I have to save him!
Calhoun: A child needs rescuing? That sounds like a mission for two.

Episode 2: 10-20
Before Violet can explain, another horde attacks.

Violet protects Calhoun with her shield, while the soldier reloads her blaster.

A horde attacks, and Violet lowers her shield at just the right moment...

...Calhoun blasts the horde.

Victory is theirs! For now...

Calhoun: So this boy of yours, what's his status?
Violet: Status? I don't know. I mean, Tony and I haven't really talked about our status yet. He's a friend I guess, or maybe more...
Calhoun: Not that kind of status. His 10-20...his position! What happened to him?
Violet: Oh! My family and I were fighting one of those Creeps that looks a little like a turtle......then Tony showed up to take me on a date and one of those things just grabbed him.
Calhoun: Gotta move quickly. Your boy is a fluffy white sheep in a field of digital wolves. Let's head to the rooftops and survey the area.

Episode 3: Rooftop Refuge
The trip to the rooftops is less than ideal.

Calhoun and Violet are distracted by some corrupted copies of their friends.

Violet tries to save them, but Calhoun convinces her that they have to do more recon first.

After taking out the corrupted copies, Calhoun lifts Violet up onto the fire escape.

From there, our teenage heroine is able to make her way to the roof.

Violet: Wow, you can see the whole city from here. But I don't see Tony...I hope he's okay.
Calhoun: If wishes and hopes were fishes and cantaloupes, we'd all have a real nice dinner.
Violet: What does that mean?
Calhoun: It means your prince must be in another castle. And we're gonna keep searching 'till we find him or until every Creep in this city's taken down and crying for their mama.

Episode 4: Another Castle
After Violet comments that Creeps don't have mamas, she and Calhoun head out.

They look in the Black Market District. All they find is Creeps and bootlegged DVDs.

They find a Creep scrawling "Purge the errors" along the side of Weaselton's shop.

They ask Weaselton if he's seen Tony. He asks that they pay up for the information.

Violet is so frustrated that she is about ready to give up.

Violet: We've looked for Tony in the Black Market District, the Subway Station, and the Fashion District. There's still no sign of him!
Calhoun: Don't panic, kiddo. This situation may be torn up from the floor up, but we can't GIVE up. I won't let your boy end up like Brad.
Violet: Who's Brad?
Calhoun: Doesn't matter. Let's go search City Center.

Episode 5: Dynamite Pals
The dynamite gals head to the City Center.

The Creeps are defacing City property!

Violet uses her invisibility to sneak up on them.

Violet takes the Creep's spray paint to distract them while Calhoun approaches.

Calhoun comes from behind the Creeps near Violet, but there's another one behind her.

Calhoun: Check your six! There's a Creep behind you!
Violet: Whew! That was a close one. Thanks for the warning.
Calhoun: Anytime, invisikid. Happy to help. You know, you've got more grit than Sunday breakfast at my grandma's.
Violet: Say, I don't mean to pry, but...what was that you were saying back there about "Brad"?
Calhoun: Here's some advice, kid. If you don't mean to pry, then don't pry.

Episode 6: Bottled Emotions
Calhoun and Violet keep fighting, but Calhoun seems distracted.

Violet says she's worried about Tony, but Calhoun keeps calling him "Brad".

Every time Violet calls her out, Calhoun changes the subject.

Until Violet decides enough is enough....

Violet is determined to get Calhoun to spill.

Violet: Sorry to keep bringing this up, but my mom says it isn't good to bottle up your feelings. If you just told me about Brad...
Calhoun: Fine! I'll make you a deal. If you can dust more Creeps than me in the subway, I'll give you the skinny on Brad. Deal?
Violet: Deal!

Episode 7: Creep Dusters
Violet and Calhoun race to the subway station.

Violet wins the race. She MAY have had some help from her brother...

Calhoun's blaster fires at an epic rate. She knows she's got this in the bag.

Until suddenly, she sees force field bubbles coming from nowhere.

Violet appears, victorious.

Calhoun: How did you—
Violet: Oh, it's easy to "dust" the Creeps if they can't see you coming. Now, about that deal...
Calhoun: Okay, here it is...Brad was my fiancé. On our wedding day, I forgot to do a perimeter check. A Cy-Bug broke into the chapel and got him...
Violet: Oh...I'm sorry. That's really sad.
Calhoun: That's why we can't let our guard down even for a second. Not if we want to find Brad. I mean...Tony.
Violet: I think I know where he might be. Come on!

Episode 8: The Final Boss
Violet finds the turtle-shaped Creep in the Theater District.

Violet yells, "Where's Tony?" at the Creep. He claims that Tony escaped.

Calhoun hits the Creep with her blaster, not knowing who he is.

The Creep derezzes. There is no one left to interrogate.

Calhoun feels terrible until she sees Violet run into the theater, and run out with Tony.

Calhoun: The Theater District? How did you know he'd be here?
Violet: Well, the sad story you told me made me think of the sad movie we were going to see.
Calhoun: So you figured if Tony HAD escaped like the Creep said, he'd meet you at your last known rendezvous point? That's quick thinking. You know, I could use a soldier like you to help clean up this city.
Violet: Oh. I'd love to help! Anytime. Except right now...the movie's starting in just a few minutes.

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