Prank Spree

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Friendship: Vanellope and Dash
Disk: Pulled a Fast One
Disk Function: Boosts damage vs. slowed enemies
Secondary Heroes: Elastigirl, Finnick, Calhoun

Vanellope: Whoa, you sure can move lickity-split quick!
Dash: Yeah, powers kind of run in my family.
Vanellope: Ooo "run", I get it! That's a good one!
Dash: Y...yeah...wait, what?

Episode 1: Super Speedy
Vanellope is on her way to meet Ralph when she gets surrounded by Creeps.

Luckily, Dash's super speed allowed him to assist on time, but now they are both surrounded!

Dash runs past the Creeps, punching them along the way.

Vanellope follows up with a massive soda spray.

A Blue Mage throws a projectile straight towards Vanellope. Dash jumps in to block it!

Vanellope: Hey, that super speed of yours is pretty neat.
Dash: Thanks! But I'm not supposed to let people see me use it.
Vanellope: What?! A stupendous skill like that? Think of all the great pranks you could pull!
Dash: Heh-heh. Yeah. I had this one teacher—when he'd stand up, I'd put a tack on his chair. It was so cool!

Episode 2: Teacher's Pet Peeve
Dash walks Vanellope to Ralph's while telling her about his old teacher.

Mr. Kropp kept trying to catch Dash whenever he put a tack on his seat.

No matter how many times Dash got invited to the Principal's office, he never got caught.

Mr. Kropp even recorded him on video to no avail. Dash was too fast for the film!

Vanellope is impressed, but she encourages Dash to think bigger.

Vanellope: Wait, you mean you have super speed, and all you did was put tacks on some guy's chair?
Dash: What do you mean, "all I did"? It was hilarious!
Vanellope: Oh, my dear young Dash. We are gonna have SO much fun!

Episode 3: Supply Run
Vanellope starts to explain her plans to Dash.

Vanellope dictates the list while Dash jots it down with his super-scribbling skills.

The two run down the list to make sure they have everything Vanellope needs.

"30 live goldfish?", "Check.", "Gold spray paint?", "Check.", "Five jars of mustard?", "Check!"

Satisfied with the list, Vanellope starts to tell Dash her plans.

Dash: This is an awfully long list, Vanellope.
Vanellope: Trust me, it's gonna take awhile, but it'll be so worth it!
Dash: Okay, but where are we gonna find 30 goldfish?
Vanellope: The Port. Guh-doy! C'mon, let's get a move on!

Episode 4: Gone Fishin'
The two head to the Port for the first item on their list.

Dash and Vanellope grab their fishing poles and head to the pier.

After several hours with no bites on their lines, the two decide to ask around.

Captain Jack Sparrow suggests that the two approach a seal named "Gerald".

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