Bowling Night

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Friendship: Frozone and Mr. Incredible
Disk: Bowling Night(literally the same name as the friendship)
Disk Function: Gives bonus to Tank allies
Secondary Heroes: Vanellope, Violet, Felix

Frozone: Oh man, I gotta count that as one of our all-time best battles against the forces of evil.
Mr. Incredible: Yeah, that thing you did with the icicles was amazing! Was that new?
Frozone: Seriously? I've been doin' that move for the last 15 years. Pay attention.

Episode 1: Nightly Patrols
Mr. Incredible asks Frozone to help with his nightly patrols.

Frozone creates a ramp of ice and Mr. Incredible soars into a group of Creeps, landing fist-first.

A Brute runs straight for Frozone, Mr. Incredible jumps in to head off the attack.

Our heroes high five while simultaneously taking out an enemy on each side.

"This was an 'ice time', Lucius!", Mr. Incredible drops a pun while taking care of the last wave.

Mr. Incredible: Hey, that was great! How would you feel about making this a regular thing?
Frozone: Sounds great to long as you're willing to back off the dad jokes.
Mr. Incredible: Oh come on! "This was an 'ice time'" is a great pun!

Episode 2: Scanners
Our heroes head out for another nightly patrol.

While the Creeps are keeping the dynamic duo busy, they start to feel like things are getting a bit too routine.

Frozone tries mixing things up a bit by fighting some enemies with one hand behind his back.

While Mr. Incredible takes on a Brute, Frozone turns a Robot into an adorable snowman.

Mr. Incredible decides to try out the old scanner to see if they can come up with some new leads.

Frozone: What's the scanner say?
Mr. Incredible: There's a lot to choose from. We've got a busy night ahead of us. Wait, somebody's trying to rob Madame Armoire's!
Frozone: Let's go. Time to freeze those Creeps in their tracks.

Episode 3: Attack Mode
In the Fashion District, Creeps run rampant. Frozone freezes as many as possible, while Mr. Incredible smashes them to pieces.

A Creep gets the jump on Mr. Incredible! Or would have, if Frozone hadn't iced it mid-air.

A horde descends upon them, Mr. Incredible body slams them into the wall.

Frozone brings down a torrent of icicles. Those Creeps didn't stand a chance.

Finally, all the Creeps are cleared out. The Fashion District is safe once again.

Mr. Incredible: Those Creeps were tough.
Frozone: Yeah, we would've been toast if it weren't for my "cool" powers.
Mr. Incredible: I guess that killer body slam I did had nothing to do with it, huh?
Frozone: Maybe a little...

Episode 4: Ice 'em
On the way back to the house, they run into another horde.

Mr. Incredible throws Frozone at the Creeps. Nearly throwing his back out with him.

Frozone spins in the air, throwing a giant ice ball at the foes. They crash like pins in an alley.

Mr. Incredible punches a Blue Mage through three load-bearing walls, collapsing a building.

With the Creeps dealt with, the two run back to the house to listen to the scanner for more trouble.

Frozone: Where to next?
Mr. Incredible: The scanner said there's some sort of commotion down at the Black Market.
Frozone: Commotion? Are the cops not there yet?
Mr. Incredible: No. Looks like we can be the first on the scene!

Episode 5: Drill Bits
Worries for his back, Mr. Incredible suggests running through drills on their way to the Black Market.

Frozone thinks that's a great idea, and they practice some of their standard team combos.

After a few blocks worth of drills, Mr. Incredible feels better about the next battle.

Frozone reminds him that, according to Yax, stretching is key. So they make time for that too.

Limber and confident, they reach the Black Market. Only to find it in chaos.

Frozone: Those Creeps are everywhere! Now, how are we gonna get through this mess?
Mr. Incredible: Same way we do everything—Brute force and style. Come on. It's showtime!

Episode 6: Market Sweep
The drill practice was worth it. The heroes easily fight their way through the Market.

The stretching was worth its weight in gold too. The Creeps don't know what hit them.

Frozone creates an ice slide that Mr. Incredible slides down, fists first, into the oncoming enemy.

The Market-goers gather, watching the fight with extreme amusement.

With the Market clear, the heroes take a well-earned breather.

Frozone: It's times like these that make me think maybe we should actually go bowling on "bowling night".
Mr. Incredible: Come on, it's not so bad. We cleared those Creeps out of the Black Market, didn't we?
Frozone: True, but I'm just saying I look mighty fine in a bowling shirt.

Episode 7: Home Again?
Mr. Incredible wants to head back home and check the scanner again.

Frozone thinks that it's counter-productive to do the back and forth, and suggests they hit he streets instead.

The two wander the Districts, picking off Creeps when they find them. It's pretty scarce though.

Frozone wonders if they should call it a night, there's nothing happening.

Mr. Incredible suddenly remembers something that may help their search.

Mr. Incredible: I overheard Chief Bogo say something odious was going down in the Warehouse District.
Frozone: Odious? Since when do you use words like 'odious'?
Mr. Incredible: Helen got a "Heroes and Villains" word-a-day calendar. 'Odious' was last Tuesday's word.
Frozone: That so? You know, I have a birthday coming up...and I'm a sucker for impressing folks with my witty repartee.
Mr. Incredible: Hint taken. I'll ask Helen where she got it.

Episode 8: Page A Day
The prospect of a new calendar puts a spring in Frozone's step.

Mr. Incredible is pretty entertained by his friend's reaction. To his credit though, it's a great calendar.

The duo arrive at the Warehouse District only to find more chaos!

The duo quickly jump into battle to mitigate the chaos.

Frozone and Mr. Incredible set about their routine. In no time at all, they have the Creeps wiped out!

Mr. Incredible: One more call and then we call it a night?
Frozone: Let's see. It sounds like there's a horde up in City Center, but Judy and Nick seem to have it under control.
Mr. Incredible: Great. Maybe we just make it an early night then?
Frozone:  Sounds good. See you tomorrow, old friend. Stay cool!

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