Wellsprung Spring

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Friendship: Buzz and Kevin Flynn
Disk: Grid Energy
Disk Function: Shields allies
Secondary Heroes: Sulley and Boo, Rex, Quorra

Kevin: Ya know, man, I think we make a great team.
Buzz: I agree.
Kevin: But it's more than that. We've got a connection. There's something about you that I just get, ya know?

Episode 1: Well, Why Not?
Buzz: I'm afraid I'll have to end our patrol early tonight, Flynn. My batteries are running low.
Kevin: Sure thing, Buzz...Wait. You run on batteries?

One of the things that makes Flynn such a great hacker is his constant quest for efficiency.

When Flynn finds out that some of his new toy friends have to rely on batteries, he wants to find a better way for them to stay energized.

Flynn recalls energy wellsprings back in the Grid and decides to search the City for one.

He asks Buzz to come along. After all, his battery needs are higher than anyone's...except maybe Zurg.

Buzz jumps at the chance to find a more efficient energy source. Flynn thinks it might even help boost his laser.

Buzz: If I understand this correctly, you think there might be a wellspring of pure energy here in the City?
Kevin: I don't know, man. But I figure, what's the hurt in searching, right?

Episode 2: Well, Water
The two set off on their quest through the City. Unsure of where to start, they head to the Port.

Before the two can search for the wellspring, they are jumped by Creeps. The Port is swarming with them!

Buzz and Flynn quickly set to clearing out the enemies. If they don't, they'll never be able to search for the wellspring in peace.

Buzz uses his gravity bubbles to send the Creeps flying backwards, while Flynn cleanses them and deletes their buffs.

With the Creeps cleared, the two begin to comb the Port to find the wellspring.

Buzz: There doesn't appear to be anything of the sort here, Flynn.
Kevin: Well, you can't blame me for trying. This seemed like a good place for a well...or a spring.
Buzz: I admit, the logic is sound. But where should we look next?

Episode 3: Well, Actually
Flynn and Buzz decide that, despite the Port not having the spring, they should still search the area. The two decide to look in Oceanside.

Creeps are swarming around Oceanside! The neighborhood won't be safe for anyone unless Flynn and Buzz do something.

The two set to work cleaning the streets of Creeps. Flynn gives Buzz cover as he shoots the Creeps with his laser.

With the Creeps cleared out, Buzz and Flynn are free to continue their search uninterrupted.

They comb the streets and alleys in search of the wellspring, but come up empty handed.

Kevin: Aw man, I guess this theory didn't work out either...
Buzz: Don't worry, we will keep looking. I have an idea on where to find a lead.

Episode 4: Oh, Well...
They arrive at the Covered Market and, as usual, it's completely packed. How on earth will they find Buzz's lead?

Buzz heads to a perfume cart first, then a falafel cart, a cart selling crystals...Flynn begins to see a pattern.

Finally, the two come to a cart selling rugs. Flynn knows who they are here to talk to before he even sees him.

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