Creep Hunting

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Friendship: Frozone and EVE
Disk: Cool as Ice
Disk Function: "Stay Frosty" heals allies
Secondary Heroes: Violet, Woody, Mike

Frozone: So, do you have any hobbies other than planting and blowing stuff sky high?
Frozone: Fair enough.

Episode 1: Scans
Frozone and EVE may make an unlikely pair, but they actually work quite well together.

Frozone likes that EVE is a force to be reckoned with, and EVE likes that Frozone is a little cautious around her.

The two begin patrolling together in an attempt to make the City a little safer.

EVE also uses the time to scan for plant life to add to the community garden.

One day, Frozone sees her scanning and has a brilliant idea.

Frozone: Hey EVE, is there anyway you could adjust that scanner of yours to scan for something other than plant life?
EVE: Directive?
Frozone: Yeah, can we add something to your directive? What about scanning for Creeps as well as plants?
EVE: Hmmm.....

Episode 2: Horde Hunt
With help from Hiro, EVE modifies her scanner to detect Creeps.

Frozone and EVE immediately begin their quest to seek out secret Creep hideouts.

EVE hits pay dirt right away, leading the two down an alley.

Frozone and EVE discover a Creep horde!

Frozone: Nice job, EVE! That scanner worked like a charm. We're gonna do a lot of good tonight.
EVE: Directive?
Frozone: Right. No time to waste. Let's find the next hideout!

Episode 3: Skylight Surprise
EVE begins to scan again, but finds nothing. They move on to the next block.

The next block is promising, something faint blinks on EVE's scanner. Frozone follows EVE as the signal gets stronger.

The signal brings them to a warehouse. The two can hear Creeps moving inside. They go to the roof, hoping to get the drop on them.

Frozone and EVE drop down from a skylight, taking the Creeps completely by surprise! The Creeps run for the entrance, but it's too late.

Frozone and EVE make short work of the warehouse Creeps. At this rate, the City will be Creep free by sun-up.

Frozone: Now that was impressive. Give me five, EVE! We are a two-man wrecking crew!
EVE: Huh?
Frozone: Sorry. One man, one robot wrecking crew. Now, let's see if we can find some more Creeps!

Episode 4: Overdoing It
To save time, Frozone and EVE want to find an area that has a concentration of Creeps. EVE sets her scanner to sweep a wider area.

EVE finds a high concentration in Oceanside. It seems Creeps are coming in by the boatload!

EVE and Frozone race to Oceanside. Sure enough, there are swarms of Creeps lurking around.

There are more than EVE and Frozone have ever seen. Way too many for them to handle with a frontal assault.

Frozone and EVE make a plan to stealthily take out a few Creeps at a time, undetected.

Frozone: Okay. So the only way this is gonna work is if we're extremely quiet, you got me?
EVE: Directive.
Frozone: Right. Now, there's too many for us to take on, but I'm pretty sure that if you cause a distraction, I can redirect them to me.
EVE: Hmm.
Frozone: Follow my lead.

Episode 5: Take Cover
EVE follows Frozone as he takes cover behind some shipping containers. He points to a group of Creeps up ahead.

EVE positions herself behind the Creeps. She throws a stone over towards Frozone's shipping container. It clangs off the side.

The Creeps go to investigate the noise. When they're in Frozone's sights, he strikes!

Frozone freezes all the Creeps in one silent, fluid movement. He motions for EVE to come back.

EVE rejoins Frozone, who shows her the iced Creeps. EVE takes her laser and zaps them to pieces.

Frozone: Good work. Now we just need to figure out our next target.
EVE: Hmm...
Frozone: Oh, I've got it. I have got it!

Episode 6: Frigid Waters
EVE and Frozone make their way to the shore. From the shadows, they see Creeps wading through the waves to get to land.

Frozone motions to EVE to get into position. He freezes the shallow water, trapping the Creeps, and EVE shoots them where they stand.

One Creep manages to break free and runs screaming to warn the others! Frozone and EVE's position is compromised.

The swarm of Creeps runs, en masse, toward Frozone and EVE. There are too many for the two to fight off!

Frozone and EVE try their best to fight off the Creeps, but they have to fall back and regroup.

Frozone: We're outnumbered. Got any ideas, 'cause I'm fresh out.
EVE: Hmm...
Frozone: Well, can you cause a distraction?
EVE: Oh!

Episode 7: Ice to Beat You
EVE points her laser cannon, then to Frozone, and begins to motion with her hands. Frozone understands what her plan is.

EVE "creates a distraction" by flying straight at the Creeps, laser cannon blasting.

The Creeps don't know what to make of her, and scatter out of fear. Meanwhile, Frozone gets into position.

While chaos erupts around him, Frozone runs directly into the skirmish and begins to create an obelisk of ice.

When the obelisk is complete, Frozone joins EVE's fight against the Creeps. The two corral the Creeps towards the obelisk.

Frozone: They're in position, EVE! Do it now!
EVE: Ahhhhhh!!

Episode 8: Laser Show
EVE shoots her laser cannon straight at the obelisk. The laser refracts into a thousand points and hits the Creeps full-force!

Frozone hits the dirt to avoid being vaporized. The Creeps aren't so lucky.

With the majority of the swarm destroyed, EVE and Frozone attack what's left of the stragglers.

The last of the Creeps don't stand a chance.

Once again, Oceanside is almost Creep-free. Frozone is exhausted, and wonders if robots get tired too.

Frozone: Next time I say you should scan for a higher concentration of Creeps, just ignore me, okay?
EVE: Oh...
Frozone: Me and my bright ideas...
EVE: *giggles*

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