Cool Factor

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Friendship: Yax and Frozone
Disk: Chill Yax
Disk Function: Boosts team damage
Secondary Heroes: Elastigirl, Vanellope, Nick

Frozone: You know, for a civilian, I admire how you keep your cool in battle.
Yax: Thanks, man. For someone so constricted by unnatural fabrics, you stay pretty cool, too.
Frozone: Um...thank you.
Yax: Aw, no worries, man! Namaste.

Episode 1: Ice Cold
Yax follows Frozone on his crime fighting adventures.

Frozone doesn't notice him right away during battle, but then notices that his cuts and scrapes keep disappearing.

Yax continues to follow closely behind, quietly supporting Frozone on his patrols.

Yax finally decides to approach his biggest fan. He has, after all, gone to the trouble of making some really encouraging signs.

Yax: Hey there, Mr. Frozone! I've met a lot of cool folks in my time, but you're the coolest one by far. Like, both literally and physically.
Frozone: Thanks. But I think you mean both "literally and figuratively."
Yax: See, how cool is vocabulary?! Say, I was wondering, would you mind giving me a few pointers in your particular ways of being chill?

Episode 2: Hero Worship
Frozone agrees to take Yax under his wing. Yax is ecstatic!

Before they can get underway, the two are attacked by Creeps!

Frozone takes some out with an ice blast, Yax providing aid. They make a great team!

Yax asks if the "cool" lessons can take place at Frozone's place. Frozone politely declines, in order to keep his secret identity safe.

The two travel to The Mystic Springs Oasis to get lessons underway.

Frozone: Okay, first lesson on being cool—you need to be like a stone cold fox.
Yax: I'm friends with a fox, does that help?
Frozone: No, it means you've got to be hard to impress, but worth impressing.
Yax: Oh, I can do that. Not much besides organic, small-farmed wheat germ impresses me. What's next?

Episode 3: Clothes Call
Frozone tells Yax they need to go to the Fashion District for their next lesson.

On the way, they get attacked by Creeps! Frozone takes them out three at a time.

Frozone takes a hit! Yax heals Frozone and sends him back into battle with a thumbs up and a smile.

With the Creeps taken care of, the route to the Fashion District is free and clear for our heroes.

The two arrive at the Fashion District with time to spare. Yax, unsurprisingly, has never been there before.

Frozone: Next, you need a sweet wardrobe. The clothes make the man, or the yak.
Yax: I'm a naturalist, man. So I believe in being "all natural", if you get my drift...
Frozone: Okay, no shame in that. Maybe more beads in your dreadlocks then?
Yax: Oh sure, I got all kinds of stuff up there. Once, I had a whole family of flies. Like, a few generation's worth.

Episode 4: Let It Bead
Upon hearing about Yax's fly situation, Frozone can't help but make a face. He hopes Yax doesn't notice.

Frozone takes Yax to a bead store he knows of. There, they find thousands of beads.

Frozone and Yax have a great time at the bead store. It turns out, Yax knows a surprising amount about the history of beads.

Yax purchases some wooden and glass beads, which are light enough not to weigh down his sweet hairstyle.

With his new beads in place, the two head Downtown for their next lesson.

Frozone: Music is another great way to be cool. What kind of tunes do you listen too?
Yax: Mostly throat singing and one man bands. Man, I am a sucker for a one man band.
Frozone: How about soul? Or the blues?
Yax: Oh well, you know everyone's got soul. As for the blues, I take organic supplements for that.

Episode 5: Record Time
The two head over to Jumba's to find some new music.

Frozone and Yax comb through the bins of records in hopes of finding some extra special tunes.

They pile up on funk, throat singing, blues, soul, and one man bands.

Afterwards, Frozone suggests they do a swap so both can learn more about each other's favorite music.

Yax loves the idea of knowing more about his personal hero, and they swap records.

Frozone: You know, uh, certain colognes can also help add to a cool persona...
Yax: Sure. I get that. But personally, I prefer to go with my natural musk...

Episode 6: Musky
Frozone knows that even though he is a cologne connoisseur, Yax doesn't have to feel the same way.

However, it doesn't help that Yax is an animal and, as a result, smells very much like one.

But some battles, you just don't fight. So, Frozone doesn't press the matter.

The two have fun for the rest of the afternoon. They talk about the City and what they love about it.

When they come across Creeps, the two decimate their foes with relative ease. All in all, it's a great afternoon.

Frozone: What other pointers are you looking for, Yax? It seems like your image is pretty solid.
Yax: Thanks, man...So, like, how long do I need to be cool like you before I get ice powers?
Frozone: What now?

Episode 7: Power Full
Yax is convinced that being cool and getting ice powers are linked. Frozone assures him that's not how it works.

Yax asks Frozone how long he's been cool. Frozone tells him as long as he can remember.

Yax then asks how long Frozone has had ice powers. Frozone long as he can remember.

Yax tells him that it's a straight up, chicken or the egg, sort of scenario. Even though it's wrong, Frozone can't argue with it.

The two walk in silence for a while. After a few awkward blocks, Yax decides to break the silence.

Yax: So...about those ice powers...
Frozone: Yax, that's not how it works, my friend. I was born with my powers.
Yax: Oh man, that's a bummer.

Episode 8: Bummer
Frozone can tell that he's really let down Yax. He feels terrible, but wouldn't want to lie to his new friend.

Yax is devastated. He really thought that he would get ice powers. He was going to open a snow cone stand and everything.

They walk back to the Mystic Springs Oasis. Not saying much of anything to one another.

By the time they arrive at Yax's studio, Frozone knows he has to say something to make this right.

Frozone squares up and looks Yax in the eye.

Frozone: Yax, just because you'll never get superpowers, that doesn't mean you aren't cool in your own right.
Yax: Aw man, I dunno. Ice powers would've been pretty rad...
Frozone: Sure, but you've got all that confidence, and that's the most "rad" thing of all.

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