Power Up

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Friendship: Mike Wazowski and Sulley and Boo
Disk: Top Scarer
Disk Function: Energy From Stunned Enemies
Secondary Heroes: Nick, Felix, Judy

Sulley: Knock, Knock.
Mike: Who's there?
Sulley: Boo.
Mike: Boo who?...Oh, very funny.

Episode 1: Black Out
Mike: Does it seem dark to you?
Sulley: Oh, no. We must be outta laugh energy.

Panic has been at an all time high, due to recent City-wide blackouts.

Mike and Sulley can't fix the blackouts, but they can offer an alternative energy source.

The two monsters know all the ins and outs of energy collection from their many years at Monsters Inc.

Mike gathers some collection canisters to hold the energy.

But before they can do anything. Mike and Sulley have to figure out how to get a terrified City to laugh.

Sulley: Better dust off you mic, buddy. The City needs you.
Mike: Obviously. After all, I am hilarious.
Sulley: Har, har.
Mike: See? It's working already.

Episode 2: Make 'Em Laugh
The first stop Mike and Sulley make is Downtown. There's an abandoned comedy club that might work as a venue.

The two find the club, but it's overrun with Creeps. The Creeps get the drop on Mike and Sulley.

A Brute jumps off the stage and right on top of Mike. Sulley pulls him off and sends him flying.

Sulley scares the pants off of the rest of the Creeps with a great big roar. The Creeps scatter. Well, that's one problem solved.

But what a mess! The two have some serious cleaning and repairs to do before they can open the club.

Mike: What do you think will make folks laugh harder? The regurgitating mic trick, or my burping bowling ball impression?
Sulley: Mike, we won't be able to power the whole city with just one club.
Mike: ...What's your point??
Sulley: My point is that your regular routine might not be enough. I think we may need more venues...and comedians.
Mike: Fine, I'm no diva. I can share the stage...

Episode 3: Comedic Timing
Mike and Sulley continue their search for comedy venues.

They head to the Fashion District.

The two don't find any comedy clubs per say, but there is an old cat walk that could work.

Another blackout happens. When the lights come back on, Mike and Sulley find themselves surrounded by Creeps!

The two make a mad scramble to fight off the Creeps. Thankfully, they get the upper hand and send the Creeps packing.

Sulley: Phew! That was a close one.
Mike: What are you talking about? We totally had that covered!
Sulley: I guess we did show 'em who was boss, didn't we?
Mike: Absolutely! Now, what budding comedic talent do you think we'll find around in this place?
Sulley: I have an idea, but we gotta go to the precinct.

Episode 4: Tough Crowd
Mike wonders why he and Sulley are headed to the precinct.

The two run into a horde of Creeps. This time, there's too many to deal with swiftly.

Sulley roars, and the Creeps scatter.

Mike goes head-to-head with a Creep! It's a struggle, but Mike wins in the end.

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