Junior Deputy

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Friendship: Judy and Felix
Disk: Deputy Junior
Disk Function: Boosts "Deputize" skill
Secondary Heroes: Elastigirl, Dash, Chief Bogo

Felix: Boy, I sure am pleased to be working with you on fighting these nasty Creeps, Officer Hopps.
Judy: And it is lovely to be working with you as well, Mr. Fix-It.
Felix: Mr. Fix-It was my father, Fix-It Felix Senior. Call me Felix, ma'am!

Episode 1: Ride Along
Calhoun suggests that Felix go on a ride along with Officer Hopps.

Felix is so excited. He can't believe he is doing patrols with a real police officer!

Judy tells Felix to stay behind her as they take out Creeps on patrol.

Felix offers backup and heals Judy when a Brute sends her flying backwards.

The two work together to clear the last bad guys from the area. Felix can barely contain his enthusiasm.

Felix: Golly, this is so exciting! I've never ridden in a police cruiser before.
Judy: Let's start with a patrol of the neighborhood. It's my regular beat, so it'll be a piece of carrot cake.

Episode 2: Gotta Fix It!
The two park in the Warehouse District.

They start to patrol the neighborhood, but Felix just can't get comfortable.

By the third block, Felix breaks down. He just has to fix something!

He vows to fix the next broken thing he sees. Luckily, he finds a hydrant!

Felix takes out his hammer and fixes the hydrant.

Felix: I spotted a broken fire hydrant. I hope you don't mind that I took the time to fix it.
Judy: There's always time for making a difference. And while you were doing that, I gave someone directions.
Felix: Oh, I'm so glad I chose to learn about police work from you, ma'am. You are just about the nicest officer I've ever encountered.

Episode 3: Car Jacker
With(basically)permission to fix whatever he wants, Felix sets about doing what he loves.

Felix doesn't get very far before they're ambushed by Creeps! Judy deals the first blow.

Creeps swarm the two! But there's no need to worry, Felix and Judy have it covered.

The two continue to fight their way through the ambush.

Judy spots a car jacker. An officer's work is never done!

Felix: I got a tiny bit distracted there, Officer Hopps. There's so much in this City that needs fixing! I hope you don't mind.
Judy: Gosh, it's no problem at all. I got pulled away too. Stopped a car jacker.
Felix: Oh my land, ma'am. You are so brave!
Judy: Thank you, Felix. But I can only uphold the law and bring criminals to justice. I can't fix buildings or windows like you.

Episode 4: Fixer Upper
With such high praise, Felix is feeling pretty good about...everything!

Felix decides that fixing things is the best way to earn Officer Hopps' approval. That's easy!

He sets to work finding things to fix! The first few minutes are easy, everything needs fixing!

As they patrol out of the Warehouse District, things get a little harder.

Then, Felix has a brilliant idea! Why not fix things that aren't actually broken?

Felix: I must say, I've really outdone myself this time!
Judy: Really? How's that?
Felix: Well, I made the City stop lights run more efficiently! Think of all the time that'll be saved without that silly middle yellow signal.
Judy: Oh, sweet cheese and crackers! Sorry, I gotta go check on the four way stop in City Center.

Episode 5: Pile Up
Judy and Felix rush over to City Center. They hear the sirens before anything else.

There, in the middle of the four way, is a ten car pile up.

Judy starts to assess the damage and help people get out of their cars.

Thankfully, no one is hurt. When other officers arrive to the scene, she brings them up to speed.

Felix fixes the cars and the street damage that was caused due to the pile up.

Felix: I think you'll be proud of my work today, ma'am. I helped 87 little old ladies cross the street safely!
Judy: All right...
Felix: I just held their hands like a proper gentleman, and it only took three hours to get them all across.

Episode 6: Helping Handyman
Judy is at a complete loss as to what to do. Confrontation makes her nose twitch.

Felix is very...enthusiastic. Normally, she can keep up with that kind of energy. This is different.

She knows he means well, but Felix is doing more harm than good.

Judy needs to come up with a way to get Felix to stop "helping" before the whole city is in ruins.

Judy begins to brainstorm ways of breaking the news to Felix.

Judy: Felix, we need to talk...
Felix: Of course, ma'am. I just love to chit chat!
Judy: See, the thing is...well, we may have been getting some complaints, down at the precinct....about your work.
Felix: Complaints? But I don't understand. I've just been helping people and fixing things. Are you saying folks don't like that?...Oh, jiminey jaminey! Have I turned into a bad guy?
Judy: No, no, no! Nothing like that. Let me go talk to the folks at the precinct. I'm sure everything will be fine.

Episode 7: Oh Crackers...
Judy is back at square one. Maybe Nick will have some advice.

Judy and Felix make their way to the precinct. Felix keeps disappearing to "fix" things on the way.

Complaints come through Judy's walkie. She tells Felix to stay close as they near the precinct.

A block away from the precinct, the two are jumped by Creeps! Felix and Judy make short work of them!

The two arrive at the precinct in one piece. Judy gives Felix a tour on their way to find Nick.

Nick: Miss me, Carrots? I hear things aren't goin' so hot with the new partner.
Judy: Felix keeps trying to fix things, but he's not used to the city, and he's making it worse.
Nick: A country bumpkin in over their head? Sounds familiar. Tell me somethin', would it have helped if I hid the truth to spare your feelings?
Judy: No, it would not. You're right. I will go talk to him right now.

Episode 8: Twitch
Felix and Judy leave the precinct. Judy's nose begins to twitch. How is she going to tell Felix?

Before she can say anything, the duo run into a horde of Creeps! Felix and Judy bring the pain!

Felix provides backup while Judy kicks the Creeps back.

It takes a lot of teamwork, but the two finally beat the Creeps. What an epic battle!

Riding high from the battle, Judy finds the confidence to talk to Felix about his fixing.

Felix: Officer Hopps, did you get everything cleared up at the precinct?
Judy: Well, there's no easy way to say this, but you went too far, Felix. The stoplights were fine the way they were, and so were the old ladies.
Felix: Oh, I see...I sure am sorry, ma'am. I was only tryin' to help.
Judy: I know, but next time, maybe you could, you know, relax a little.
Felix: I completely understand. And I appreciate your candor, ma'am. I promise to do my best to make you proud of me!

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