A Wrong Turn...Or Two

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Friendship: Maui and Moana
Disk: Master Navigator
Disk Function: More HP for every Tank
Secondary Heroes: WALL-E, Merida, Elastigirl

Maui: You're welcome!
Moana: But I didn't say thank you.
Maui: Well, you should have.

Episode 1: City Wayfinders
Excited to explore the City, our heroes head underground.

With no stars to guide their way, they decide to just take the first moving thing they find. Another passenger tells them it's a "train."

The two get off at the first stop. Unfortunately, it's swamped with Creeps.

They fight their way through a group of Brutes, and then see a sign with a picture of a boat and water on it.

The two realize they must still be by the sea. So they decide to wait for the next train.

Moana: I gotta say, so far this is...boring!
Maui: I don't see you offering any great suggestions. Aren't you supposed to be a master wayfinder!?
Mona: Yes. But I decided that you should get in some practice. You're welcome!

Episode 2: Tourist Destination
Moana and Maui stop at an art exhibit and see a statue of Hercules. Told he's a hero, Maui wonders why the artist didn't choose him instead.

As the two head back down to the subway, a group of Creeps appear. Moana and Maui gear up to take them down.

Moana and Maui get off at the next stop, the City Museum. Once again, Maui wonders why there isn't anything about him.

Moana leads Maui down an alley to admire Finnick's street art. He's convinced that a self portrait of Finnick as a warrior is secretly him.

In the evening, Maui and Moana head to the sprawling Covered Market.

Maui: Despite its disturbing lack of tribute to yours truly, this City's pretty nice. I'm glad we did this, kid.
Moana: Me too! It's getting late, though. We should head home.
Maui: Yeah. And that would be...which way, exactly?

Episode 3: All Roads Lead To...
Although they're experts at wayfinding, Maui and Moana have some trouble finding the way to the station without stars or wind to guide them.

The night sky is totally clouded over and a fog is rolling in—perfect conditions for a Creep attack.

Maui and Moana fight off waves of Creeps, but get even more turned around than they were before the fight.

They try to retrace their steps, but the buildings get more and more rundown. They didn't come this way earlier.

The two decide to try the reverse direction. Maui thinks he recognizes an alley. Somehow, they've stumbled into the Black Market!

Maui: Hold on. I'll turn into a hawk and try to get a better view.
Moana: Are you sure we should split up? There are a lot of Creeps around here...and I wouldn't want you to get overwhelmed. *whispers* Kakamora.
Maui: Hey, those murdering little pirates are nothing to joke about!...Okay, fine. We'll stick together.
Moana: Don't worry. I've got a plan.

Episode 4: Creeps On Creeps
Maui starts chanting, drawing Creeps to him.

With the enemies divided, Mona brandishes her oar.

While Moana holds back the Creeps, Maui turns into a hawk and scopes out the area.

Maui spots the entrance to the station ahead. The two run straight for it.

They fight their way up the street, then duck down another alley. Creeps run right by them as they hide in the shadows.

Maui: That was way too close. With this many Creeps, even these muscles are getting tired.
Moana: It's too cloudy to use stars, so let me feel the wind to help us get back to Oceanside.

Episode 5: Travel Troubles
The two move up the alley cautiously.

Mona steps into a shop to hide from the Creeps until she can get her bearings.

A particularly brutish Brute lumbers up to the shop doors. Maui turns into a shark and dukes it out with him.

It's Moana's turn! She slaps a few Ninjas and takes down another group of Mages.

Finally, the path is clear. Bad news, the station is nowhere in sight!

Maui: What?! I don't recognize any of this!
Moana: Me either. I know every tree and fale in Motunui. We need to get to know the City like that.

Episode 6: Twists and Turns
The heroes dive down an alley. Maui leads, barreling through as many Creeps as he can, while Moana attempts to get their bearings.

Moana guides them right, then left down a side street before going back up a one way road.

Moana sees a cloth on a wall with lines on it. Could they be paths showing where to go? A slimy Creep slithers out of the alley and attacks!

The Creep covers the map with goo and ruins it. Moana laments, but as she looks up, she notices the clouds have parted!

Moana gets her bearings quickly and determines which direction they need to go!

Moana: See the position that star is in? It means we must be going the right way!
Maui: *sniffles* And the student becomes the teacher. Nice wayfinding, kid.
Moana: Thanks, Maui. That means a lot coming from you.
Maui: Be grateful later. We got Creeps right behind us!

Episode 7: A Helping Hand
The two hurry towards the subway station, Moana leading the way.

Concerned that the clouds will reappear, the heroes move as quickly as they can.

As they round the final bend, Moana and Maui see where all the Creeps have been coming from...the station is covered with them!

They quickly duck down an alleyway and spot a familiar face painting some wall art. It's Finnick!

Just then, Frozone comes skating up the alley. It's his turn for patrol in this area.

Frozone: Moana? Maui?! What are you two doing here?
Moana: We're trying to get home. But the station is covered with Creeps!
Frozone: Yeah, I noticed. They're especially bad tonight. Got any ideas on how to clear the station?
Moana: I do, but we'll need Finnick's help...
Finnick: And by "help," you mean what exactly?

Episode 8: Hook, Line, And Sinker
Moana's plan is to use Finnick as bait. Finnick argues, until she explains that by "Finnick," she actually means Maui.

Maui shape-shifts into a small fox. He doesn't look exactly like Finnick, but it's close enough.

A Brute tried to go after "Finnick," and is surprised when it sees a familiar looking van go by.

Finnick expertly navigates down a narrow alley where Frozone is waiting to freeze the entrance and exit. The Creeps are trapped!

The heroes cheer as they derezz the Creeps. Afterwards, they say goodbye and Moana and Maui take the subway home.

Moana: *yawns* Quite a day, huh?
Maui: *yawns* Quite an ALL NIGHT. Bright side—we know this part of the City pretty well now.
Moana: Yeah, but I don't think I want to come back this way anytime soon. I'll stick by the ocean for awhile.
Maui: You won't hear me complaining. Nice job, though, princess.
Moana: I am not a princess. I'm the daughter of the chief. You should remember that, Maui, hero of men.
Maui: Hero to ALL, actually.

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