Carrot Caper

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Friendship: Judy and Chief Bogo
Disk: Carrot Caper(the same name as the friendship title)
Disk Function: Boosts "Play Dead" Skill
Secondary Heroes: Yax, Felix, Mr. Incredible

Judy: Officer Hopps reporting for duty, sir.
Chief Bogo: Hopps, you're two hours early, and this is my apartment, not the police station.
Judy: Well, you said if you're early, you're on time, and if you're on time, you're late, so—
Chief Bogo: This isn't what I meant.

Episode 1: The Stolen Truck
Judy gets a call from her parents.

Someone has stolen a truck full of Judy's family produce!

Bogo and Judy head to the precinct, butt are blocked by Creeps!

Judy pulls out some sweet kickboxing moves to impress her boss.

Once the Creeps are gone, they start to head for the precinct.

Judy: We've got to find that truck, Chief! My parents' livelihood depends on it.
Chief Bogo: Well Hopps, it looks like we have a real carrot caper on our hands. Let's run the truck's plates and see what we can find.

Episode 2: Full Plates
The trek back to the precinct proves perilous.

Judy has to play dead to escape a horde of Creeps.

Judy's quick thinking inspires Bogo to be his best.

Bogo and Judy finally reach the precinct.

Bogo runs the plates, while Judy makes an important call.

Chief Bogo: A call came in. The truck showed up in its usual garage in the Warehouse District. Any leads on your end?
Judy: Someone at Chez Remy says the Farmer's Market is experiencing a sudden influx of carrots, after a severe shortage last week.
Chief Bogo: All right, let's go to the garage first and then we can make our way to the Farmer's Market.

Episode 3: Warehouse of Wonders
Judy and Bogo arrive in the Warehouse District, ready for action.

Before they can get to the warehouse that houses the truck, they are attacked by Creeps.

Bogo uses his flash grenade to distract the Creeps.

Then Judy subdues them with her stun gun.

They finally make it through to the warehouse.

Judy: So, the garage owner said the truck was driven by two bunnies, just like always.
Chief Bogo: We're looking for a rabbit then. Do you know anyone from New Bunnyburrow would would steal the carrots?
Judy: Let's not jump to conclusions. We should see who's selling carrots at the Farmer's Market before we assume the thief is a bunny.

Episode 4: To The Farmer's Market!
Judy and Bogo head to the Covered Market where the Farmer's Market is held.

The Covered Market seems refreshingly Creep-free.

Until one jumps from behind the beet stand and shoots a spell at Judy.

Bogo deflects the spell with his shield and the Creep is down!

They finally find the carrot stand, but no one is there.

Chief Bogo: It looks like whoever is manning the carrot stand is on break.
Judy: But, look...they left something behind.
Chief Bogo: It's a...bunny suit. Why would the culprits need a bunny suit?
Judy: I don't know, but I do recognize this handiwork, Chief. I think we need to talk to Finnick.

Episode 5: Fashion Forward Fox
Judy suggests that she and the Chief hop on a train to the Fashion District.

On their way to the Fashion District, there's a sudden blackout and the train loses power.

There can be only one possible culprit: Creeps!

Bogo and Judy take out the Creeps and get the train running again.

In 15 short minutes, they find themselves in the Fashion District.

Chief Bogo: So Finnick lives in the Fashion District?
Judy: It's easier for him to get material for his disguises here. Let me question him first. I'd like to avoid taking him to the precinct.

Episode 6: The Bunny Suit Scandal
When Finnick opens the door and sees Judy and Bogo, he immediately closes it.

When the little fox comes to the door again, he says there's a Creep right behind Judy.

Judy doesn't believe him and ends up getting whacked in between the ears with a sword.

Bogo takes care of the Creep before any more show up.

Finnick laughs and ends up inviting them in.

Judy: So, Finnick, do you recognize this bunny suit?
Finnick: That suit doesn't fit me. It's clearly three sizes too big for my petite frame. You got nothin' on me!
Judy: That isn't what I asked. I asked if you recognized the suit.
Finnick: I don't have to answer these questions without my lawyer.
Chief Bogo: You can tell us who you made the suit for now or we can take you down to the station and you'll tell us there. Choice is yours.
Finnick: Okay, fine. I don't got time for this. It was two pirates, okay? Pintel and Ragetti. And that's all I'm sayin'!

Episode 7: Produce Pilfering Pirates
To arrest Pintel and Ragetti, Bogo and Judy have to find them.

They interview several pirates, but none of them want to talk to law enforcement.

Bogo doesn't know what to do. The only other creatures in the Port are Creep-ified.

This gives Judy an idea. She talks about Ragetti's wooden eye loud enough for the Creeps to hear.

The Creeps mutter about purging the imperfection, and they lead the cops right to the deckhand duo.

Judy: The Port looks pretty quiet. I think Pintel and Ragetti live over there...
Chief Bogo: Are you sure you're up for this, Hopps? If it's too personal, I can call in Wilde.
Judy: No! Sir, I want to be the one to arrest those produce pilfering pirates.

Episode 8: Vegetable Villains
In order to arrest the pirates, Bogo and Judy must first get rid of the Creeps they lead there.

Bogo charges and clears a path.

Judy takes down stragglers with her kickboxing moves.

They knock down the door of Pintel and Ragetti's houseboat and find it full of carrots.

The evidence is enough to lock them up for awhile.

Chief Bogo: Feeling better since we got your family's carrots back, Hopps?
Judy: Absolutely! After reviewing what was confiscated from the ship, we also found the jewel that went missing from the museum last month.
Chief Bogo: I thought Weaselton confessed to that?
Judy: Maybe the pirates stole it from him?
Chief Bogo: Crime, it's a vicious cycle, Hopps.
Judy: Yes sir, it is. But I'm glad to be here to help you stop it.

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