My Favorite Deputy

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Friendship: Woody and Jessie
Disk: My Favorite Deputy (same name as the friendship)
Disk Function: Uses "Lasso" at the beginning of combat
Secondary Heroes: Frozone, Nick, Buzz

Jessie: Any signs of the Prospector?
Woody: Nope, I haven't caught sight or smell of that ne'er-do-well in weeks.
Jessie: All right, just stay vigilant. We don't want to be caught off guard again.

Episode 1: A New Sheriff In Town
Nobody—not even a Creep—is a match for Woody, the rootin'-est, tootin'-est cowboy around.

Woody rounds up Jessie and they head Downtown.

They storm into the Downtown "Soda Saloon", looking for rustlers.

Woody waltzes in with his hand on his pull-string like a lasso, ready to deal with any trouble.

Jessie spots a Creep at the root beer bar, and Woody quickly dispatches him.

Woody: Would you like a beverage for he road, ma'am? If so, I'll lasso one right up for ya.
Jessie: Hey! That's a line from my favorite episode of "Woody's Roundup." It's called "My Favorite Deputy."
Woody: Yeah, it's the one where Jessie the yodeling cowgirl becomes Sheriff Woody's deputy for a day! That's one of my favorites too!
Jessie: Yee-haa!...Hey...are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?

Episode 2: Cowgirl On Duty
Woody makes Jessie deputy for the day, just like in the show.

Her first act as deputy is to check and see if someone poisoned the water hole.

Since they don't have a water hole in the City, Jessie heads to the Port.

Jessie spots the bath toys putting soap in the water.

She lets them off with a warning.

Woody: How's your first day as deputy goin'?
Jessie: I reckon it's goin' all right, but it's not as fun as on the show. I'm ready for some crazy hijinks. C'mon, I want to rustle up just a little bit of trouble.
Woody: You want to rustle up some trouble, huh? Well, follow me. I've got an idea.

Episode 3: Reach For The Sky
In the episode of "Woody's Roundup", Jessie and Woody try to stop a bank robbery.

The heroic duo has the crooks cornered...

But Jessie ends up slipping on a banana peel, and the crooks use it as an opportunity to escape.

Thinking these are the kinds of hijinks Jessie's after, Woody heads to the City Bank.

On their way there, they're surrounded by Creeps.

Woody: Looks like we're surrounded.
Jessie: Don't you worry. Deputy Jessie never gives up. Deputy Jessie always finds a way.
Woody: Well then, those Creeps better reach for the sky!

Episode 4: The Great Bank Robbery
Woody tips his hat and smiles.

Jessie feels so inspired that she runs at the Creeps and tackles them.

They derezz without throwing a single punch.

Woody and Jessie continue towards the bank. Jessie wears a big grin on her face.

When they arrive, they see Creeps attacking the bank.

Jessie: Woody, look! Those Creeps are attacking the bank. Just like in the episode.
Woody: Ya wanna take care of 'em?
Jessie: Do I ever! Thanks for givin' me the chance.
Woody: Anything for my favorite deputy.

Episode 5: Peel Out
Jessie moseys right up to the Creeps and tells them to freeze.

They don't listen to her, but her fast moves keep the Creeps on their toes.

Jessie yodels to Woody for backup...

Woody raises his hat above his head and...

...slips on a precariously placed banana peel. The Creeps get away.

Jessie: Gee Sheriff Woody, when I said I wanted to reenact the show, I didn't mean we should let the Creeps get away.
Woody: I didn't do that on purpose! I have no idea how that banana peel got there. It just jumped out of nowhere!
Jessie: Oh...right...I'll just pick it up so it doesn't jump at another hero.

Episode 6: Underground Hideout
In the "Woody's Roundup" episode, the crooks stash the cash in their underground hideout.

Naturally, Woody and Jessie head to the Subway Station.

As luck would have it, they see a Creep carrying a bag with the cash from the bank.

Jessie approaches the Creep, ready for a tussle.

After Jessie and the Creep fight for a bit, Woody steps in, ready to be the hero.

Woody: I'd better take care of this.
Jessie: What? Don't you trust me?
Woody: Of course I do, Jessie! It's just, in the episode, Woody's the one who saves the day. And we've got to keep it authentic, right?
Jessie: Right? I mean, I guess so...

Episode 7: Jessie Never Gives Up
Things start out well enough when Woody lassos the Creep with the cash who's right to the front.

When the time comes for Jessie to kick the Creep and take the cash, she hesitates.

Woody SAID he wanted it to be authentic to the show, and Jessie didn't help out on the show.

Suddenly, Woody is assaulted by a giant ball of plasma. They didn't have that in the show either!

Jessie realizes she needs to help, but she has something she wants to hear from Woody first.

Woody: Jessie! What are you doing?! Help me out here!
Jessie: I thought you said you wanted it to be "authentic"! I thought you wanted to be the big shot hero!
Woody: I know what I said, but I was wrong. Jessie, I can't do this alone. I need your help.
Jessie: That's all I needed to hear, cowboy.

Episode 8: Jessie Finds A Way
Jessie kicks the sack right out of the crooked Creep's hands with an inspiring yodel.

Woody heroically lassoes the cash, and whistles for Bullseye.

This time, they both board the trusty steed.

They ride off. Luckily, there's no banana peel in sight.

Finally, they go back to the bank and return the money.

Woody: I'm sorry if I got caught up trying to make everything exactly like "Woody's Roundup."
Jessie: More like caught up in trying to grab all the glory for yourself.
Woody: Well, I, uh...
Jessie: I get it. You're used to being the shinin' star, and when you slipped on that banana peel, it made you feel like a sidekick.
Woody: First of all, Bullseye slipped on that banana peel. Secondly, I'm nobody's "sidekick."
Jessie: It's okay, Woody. You'll always be my favorite deputy. *giggles*

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