Two Fox Con

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Friendship: Finnick and Nick
Disk: Fight Clubbing
Disk Function: Boosts "Remote Controller" skill
Secondary Heroes: Ralph, Jack-Jack, Mr. Incredible

Finnick: Well, if it isn't my old pal, Nick. And to what do I owe the pleasure of this house call? You wanna hang out or are ya here to arrest me?
Nick: Good to see ya too, little buddy.
Finnick: Cut to the chase. I ain't got all day.
Nick: I'm investigating an underground drag racing ring, and I need someone a little ask some questions.
Finnick: Talk to Flash. He's runnin' that operation. See ya later.
Nick: Well, that went quicker than expected.

Episode 1: A Proposition
Nick is doing his patrols when he sees Finnick being attacked by Creeps!

Getting in range, Nick sends a barrage of pawpsicles straight for the viral vermin.

Finnick jumps up to throw Nick a high five before getting back to business.

Finnick is nowhere to be seen! Nick starts to panic until the van whizzes by, clearing a path.

Finnick looks at Nick, "Where have you been man? I've been lookin' all over for you!"

Nick: I'm a little frightened by what your idea of a good cause could be. But call me a cat, 'cause the curiosity is killing me. What's your plan?
Finnick: Follow me and find out. Oh, and call me "Little Toots" one more time, I'll give you something to "toot-toot" about.

Episode 2: A Pirate's Life For Me
Finnick motions to his buddy, "Come on, this way!"

Things are eerily quiet for about two minutes before yells of "Attack!" start to fill the air.

"So...when are you gonna tell me about this 'good cause'?", Nick asks.

Nick complains that the only thing he's learned from this trip is a disdain for the smell of fish.

Finally, after hours of wandering, Nick demands details.

Nick: Well, you know I love aimless wandering, Finnick, but it'd be nice to know what the actual plan is.
Finnick: The plan? We're gonna masquerade as pirates for the next three weeks, gather intel, and join their gang.
Nick: First off—cop. Secondly, every time we've tried to use an eye patch, it hasn't gone well. Gotta come up with something else, pal.

Episode 3: Running The Options
Nick starts running through possible alternatives to piracy.

Finnick makes fun of all of Nick's suggestions, saying they won't work.

Nick asks Finnick what his aims are for this endeavor, hoping to gain some insight.

Finnick explains that he has a couple of lucrative marks in mind.

Nick stops in his tracks. "Lucrative marks"? What kind of good cause is this?

Nick: I thought you said this was for a good cause.
Finnick: It is! I heard a rumor that the folks behind all the bad that's been goin' down have a stash of cash hidden away.
Nick: I get it. We despite their reserves and gather intel on how to bring them down. Now that's a cause I can get behind.

Episode 4: Brainstorming
Now that Nick knows the end goal, he starts to run some new ideas by Finnick.

"How about a money box?", Nick suggests. Finnick reminds him that there's no paper money in the City.

Finnick suggests a White-Van scheme, but then realizes that he'd need to paint over his mural.

Nick suggests a Big Store con, but Finnick reminds him that they have a limited time window.

Finnick starts to give up when Nick gets an idea.

Nick: I've got it! We'll pull a Pigeon Drop! But first, we need to get in good with the Creeps...
Finnick: A Pigeon Drop?
Nick: You know, where we convince a mark to give us a small amount of money in exchange for a fictitious pay-off later.
Finnick: I know what a pigeon drop is! It's just...we've never been able to pull one off before.
Nick: That might be true, but we've never had legitimate police equipment before either.
Finnick: I smell a hustle! Lez go.

Episode 5: Preparation
The two start gathering everything they'll need for the Pigeon Drop.

Finnick ducks into a costume rental shop.

Nick stops by Nangi's to borrow some costume jewelry.

Finnick raids an old game board for its glass jewels.

Nick stops by the precinct to pick up a few essentials.

Nick: Okay, let's do a final check. Bag of glass jewels?
Finnick: Check.
Nick: Fancy coat? Top hat?
Finnick: Check and check.
Nick: And you got the armored police car, right?
Finnick: Check. Operation Pigeon Drop is a go.

Episode 6: The Mark
Nick and Finnick start looking for some easy marks.

The first group of Creeps attack them on sight.

The second group of Creeps ruin Nick's costume.

The third group of Creeps lets Finnick get fully through his spiel, but smash the costume jewelry.

Finnick approaches a fourth group, crossing his fingers.

Finnick: Ahem. My dear, sir! I have a proposition for you. You see, I need someone to hold this bag of precious gems...
Blue Mage: Purge the errors!
Finnick: Well, uh...perhaps a different opportunity? I have some lovely beach-front property near the Port...
Blue Mage: ATTACK!! ATTACK!!
Nick: Look out, he's coming straight for us!

Episode 7: Escape
The pair retreats while a large pack of angry Creeps follows close behind.

Finnick blocks the progress of about half of their pursuers with the van.

Nick thins out the group with some well placed pawpsicles.

The ground shakes with the patter of tiny lemming feet as they stampede through the enemy.

Finnick can almost taste sweet victory...maybe that's just popsicle goo, actually.

Nick: Well, that was a disaster.
Finnick: What? Ya think? Maybe it's time for me to retire...
Nick: C'mon, we still have the armored police car. Whaddaya say we cause a manageable level of traffic havoc for those Creeps?
Finnick: Nah, my heart's not in it, man. Let's just focus on getting out of here alive.

Episode 8: Fight A Way Home
The pair continue to fight through the army of Creeps that pursue them.

Nick charms some Creeps into fighting their allies. The resulting chaos cheers Finnick up a bit.

Finnick slimes a Blue Mage with some popsicle goo. It gets stuck to the ceiling.

It's a triple dose of rock hard sweetness, as Nick throws pawpsicles at some Brutes.

Nick looks chagrined while Finnick glares at the remaining enemies.

Nick: Sorry that didn't work out. You know, there's an opening at the precinct. You want me to bring you an application?
Finnick: Are you kiddin'? No way, man. You can have fun with the fuzz on your own.
Nick: But you're great with disguises! You'd make a highly effective undercover detective.
Finnick: Still no. But thanks for thinkin' of me.
Nick: Suit yourself, lil' toots. Come on, let's go grab a jumbo pop for old time's sake.
Finnick: Toot, toot, my man. Toot, toot.

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