Wrecking Buddies

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Friendship: Sulley and Boo and Ralph
Disk: Wreck and Repair
Disk Function: Counters Disables With Healing
Secondary Heroes: Elastigirl, Finnick, Jack Sparrow

Sulley: When Boo grows up, I hope that she and I have as great a relationship as you have with Vanellope.
Ralph: Aw, you will. It's clear she adores you. I gotta ask, though. Why'd you name her after a ghost?
Sulley: What? She's not named after a ghost. Oh, I get it. See, when I first met her, she liked to say "Boo!" so much that I thought that was her name. Guess it kinda stuck.

Episode 1: A Better Vantage Point
While on patrol, Ralph suggests that he and Sulley head to the rooftops to get a better vantage point.

The friends are in luck! There are Creeps on the roof. No need to look elsewhere for a fight.

Sulley leads with a roar that startles Ralph and scares a Brute right off the side of the building.

Ralph wrecks the rest of the Creeps, being careful not to wreck the building in the process.

Sulley surveys the city from the rooftop and notices some strange activity over in the Port.

Sulley: Hey Ralph, looks like something might be happening down by the Port.
Ralph: Well, we're all done here, and I could do some more wrecking tonight. Let's check it out.

Episode 2: Port of Unknown
Sulley and Ralph fight a few Creeps at a time. There's a lot, but they're spread out.

Sulley wants to get the Creeps to gather, so Ralph smashes a wall. The crash is audible all over the Port.

The plan works too well, and Creeps come at them from all sides. Sulley and Ralph decide a tactical retreat is in order.

Ralph holds off a horde, while Sulley plans an escape route from the top of a telephone pole.

Sulley spies a route to the subway that's only slightly infested with Creeps.

Sulley: That way!
Ralph: Where'd they all come from?
Sulley: I don't know, but I'd feel a lot safer with some cover.
Ralph: Lead the way, Sul. I've got your back.

Episode 3: Terror Tube
Sulley escapes down a manhole. Ralph slips and falls down the manhole, landing with a thud.

Ralph and Sulley are on the subway tracks. Ralph asks which way? Sulley points away from the oncoming light.

The Creeps don't seem as bothered by the train barreling down on them as Sulley and Ralph.

Sulley gives Ralph a boost up onto a platform then follows him up just as the train blows by.

Creeps flood onto the platform. Sulley spots a door and tells Ralph to wreck through it.

Sulley: You okay, Ralph?
Ralph: Yeah, I'm actually kinda built for falling.
Sulley: Really? Well, get up quick. We got Creeps incoming.

Episode 4: Dark Corridor
The side door leads to a maintenance tunnel. It's dark and full of Creeps.

In the darkness, Sulley's in his element, sneaking and scaring, and smashing Creeps left and right.

Ralph stumbles and flails through the dark into the Creeps. It's surprisingly effective.

Ralph yells that he'd like to see what he's fighting. Sulley finds a light switch.

The lights come on and Ralph can see! And there's another door! Just a few more Creeps to go.

Ralph: This door better not lead to another, longer corridor.
Sulley: It leads where it leads, pal. Not like we've got much choice. And hurry, these Creeps will not give up.
Ralph: I'M GONNA WRE—oh, it's unlocked.

Episode 5: Next Stop: Creeps
Ralph and Sulley burst onto another subway platform as a train pulled in. They get on.

Of course, there are Creeps on the train.

In the narrow confines of the train cars, Ralph pushes ahead while Sulley guards their back.

As the train comes to a stop, Sulley and Ralph decide it's time to get off.

Confronted with more Creeps as they step on the platform, Sulley suggests they get to higher ground.

Ralph: Let's just go back to the rooftops. It was a lot easier up there.
Sulley: Good call. Then maybe we can see where all these Creeps are coming from.
Ralph: ...Right...Yeah...That's what I was thinkin' too.

Episode 6: Bird's Eye View
Ralph and Sulley are confronted with more Creeps after getting to higher ground.

Ralph holds the line while Sulley scans the City from above.

Sulley thinks the Creeps have overrun the Black Market. Ralph jokes that they might be Creep-mas shopping.

Sulley scoffs, saying Creep-mas is months away. Ralph shrugs. He thought he made the holiday up.

Ralph and Sulley look down on the Black Market from above.

Ralph: The Black Market? Why would they be gathering there?
Sulley: I don't know, but I don't like it. A Creep swarm this big is bad news.
Ralph: Personally, I'd say a Creep swarm of any size is bad news.

Episode 7: Market Saturation
Sulley roars and takes out a few Creeps. Ralph follows up by tossing crates and carts. Felix will have to fix the damage later.

The ruckus draws plenty of Creeps in Ralph and Sulley's direction.

Ralph grabs a Blue Mage and throws it into a soft billowy tent.

Ralph says the market needs more hard things to throw Creeps at. Sulley suggests the arena.

Ralph makes a flag out of a tent and a telephone pole and leads the Creeps toward the Esports Arena.

Sulley: I'll clear the path to the arena!
Ralph: And I'll make sure the Creeps want to catch Mr. Flag here. Hey, CREEPS! Mr. Flag says he's having a party and none of you are invited!
Sulley: I'm not sure that's gonna work. Creeps aren't exactly known for bein' party animals.
Ralph: Really? 'Cause here they come!

Episode 8: Final Fight
In an arena built to withstand even the roughest wrecking, Ralph can really let loose.

The acoustics are amazing! Sulley's roar scares on the delivery and on the echo!

Ralph and Sulley greet each wave of Creeps that enters with sportsmanship, and punches.

After a bit, fewer Creeps enter the arena, but they're getting stronger. Our duo is up for the challenge!

The Creeps don't know when to quit. But to be fair, neither do Ralph or Sulley.

Ralph: Is that the last of them?
Sullety: For now. But one thing I've learned about this place, there's always more Creeps.
Ralph: Phew! I'm wrecked out. Wanna go grab a bite?
Sulley: Sure. But this time, it's on me.
Ralph: You got it, Mr. CEO...Wait, can you expense this? 'Cause that'd be pretty cool.

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